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Summary: Archbishop Replies To Interpretation Of Christ (Press, 29 July 1967)
On 28 July 1967, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Michael Ramsey, responded to comments made by Canon Hugh Montefiore regarding the nature of Jesus's relationships. At the Modern Churchmen's Conference in Oxford, Canon Montefiore suggested that Jesus might have been a homosexual, stating that while women were friends of Jesus, it is men that he is said to have loved. He pointed out that Jesus remained unmarried, which was notable considering that marriage was common in the Middle Eastern society of the time. Montefiore posited that there could be three reasons for Jesus's single status: an inability to afford marriage, a lack of available partners, or a homosexual orientation. In his response, Dr. Ramsey firmly rejected Montefiore's assertions, stating that there is "no evidence whatever" to support such claims about Jesus. He expressed that Christians believe that Jesus interacted with both men and women in a manner befitting a perfect man, thus dismissing the suggestion that Jesus's relationships might have implied a homosexual inclination.
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