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Summary: Liberal Views In Reply To Article (Press, 6 May 1967)
An article published in the Anglican publication "New Christian" discusses the evolving views among British clergymen regarding homosexuality, particularly in the context of love and relationships. Dr. Norman Pittenger from King’s College, Cambridge, shared insights following the receipt of letters in response to his previous writings on homosexuality. He revealed that a significant number of clergy members are beginning to accept the notion that homosexuality should not be viewed as sinful when it involves genuine love between individuals. Dr. Pittenger noted that these clergymen believe homosexuals who love one another should not be considered "sinners" solely based on their sexual orientation, and that the acts stemming from such love are not inherently sinful. In their roles as confessors and pastoral counsellors, these clergymen have aimed to alleviate the intense guilt felt by many homosexuals by focusing on the concept of God's unconditional love and understanding of the homosexual experience. They highlighted God's readiness to bless those who maintain a loving and caring relationship. Importantly, those who contributed to the discussion did not endorse promiscuity or male prostitution, instead advocating for homosexual individuals to pursue stable, faithful relationships with one partner, reinforcing the importance of commitment and love. This shift in perspective marks a significant point of discussion within the church regarding the acceptance and understanding of homosexual relationships in the context of Christian teachings.
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