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Summary: Legality Nearer (Press, 21 December 1966)
On 20 December 1966, a bill aimed at legalising homosexual acts between consenting male adults in private made significant progress towards becoming law in the United Kingdom. The House of Commons held an unopposed second reading, indicating a general agreement in principle for this private bill sponsored by Labour M.P. Mr Leo Abse. The government adopted a neutral stance on the matter, allowing members a free vote that was not aligned with party politics. Observers believed that the bill was likely to pass through the remaining stages in the Commons and subsequently in the House of Lords without major obstacles. In a separate report from London on the same day, it was announced that comedian Jack Train had passed away due to a heart attack at the age of 64. Train was well-known for his role as “Colonel Chinstrap” in the radio programme Itma ("It’s That Man Again").
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