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Sex-change Surgery In American Hospital (Press, 23 November 1966)

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Summary: Sex-change Surgery In American Hospital (Press, 23 November 1966)

On 20 November 1966, the "New York Times" reported that Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore has officially commenced performing sex-change surgeries, marking it as the first American hospital to provide such support. Although sex-change surgeries have been conducted in various European countries for the past 15 years and by select surgeons in the United States, this represents a significant endorsement within the American medical establishment. The hospital has already completed two operations: the first occurred in September and the second in October, involving two males in their 20s, one of whom was African American. The gender reassignment procedure entails the removal of the male external genitals and the creation of a vaginal passage, taking approximately three and a half to four hours. Prior to and following the surgery, patients undergo female hormone treatments aimed at reducing male secondary sexual characteristics and enhancing female traits such as breast growth and hip widening. A limited number of applications for the surgery have also come from women, accounting for about 10 percent of the total 100 requests. Those seeking gender reassignment are classified as transsexuals. Generally, they are physically healthy but feel a profound aversion to their biological sex from a young age, believing they are trapped in the wrong body—either male individuals identifying as female or vice versa. Psychiatrists suggest that many transsexuals are often sexually inactive prior to their operations, largely due to their discomfort with homosexual relationships. It is essential to distinguish transsexuals from transvestites, who simply find pleasure in dressing as the opposite sex without seeking a gender change. Many mental health professionals believe that transsexuals cannot find relief through psychotherapy, and they may be vulnerable to mental health challenges, including depression and suicidal thoughts. The clinic at Johns Hopkins examines only two patients monthly and has a long waiting list. Each applicant undergoes a comprehensive physical and psychological evaluation costing $100. The hospital prioritises candidates who are living as women and receiving hormone treatments. Although the majority of transsexuals are seen as emotionally stable outside their gender identity issues, their sense of frustration can be overwhelming. Post-surgery, which, along with hospital care, averages $1,500, patients are encouraged to partake in follow-up studies and must continue hormone therapy to maintain female characteristics. Experts theorise that transsexualism may stem from early childhood conditioning, possibly linked to a mother's wish for a daughter instead of a son; however, some cases remain mysterious. Importantly, very few subjects have expressed regret after surgery, and there are minimal reports of serious postoperative complications. Many who have undergone the operation have successfully received new birth certificates reflecting their female identity, alleviating potential legal complications related to being a transvestite. Some have even married, sometimes without their partners knowing about their previous gender. The surgical procedure allows for normal sexual relationships but does not enable the ability to bear children. For female-to-male transitions, the surgery includes a hysterectomy and removal of breasts.

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Publish Date:23rd November 1966