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Summary: Homosexuality Bill Likely To Pass (Press, 7 July 1966)
On 6 July 1966, the House of Commons in London voted overwhelmingly in favour of a bill to legalise homosexuality between consenting male adults in private, with a vote tally of 244 to 100. This significant support suggests a strong likelihood that the bill will pass successfully. A similar bill had previously been approved by the Commons in February 1966, but it failed to reach final reading due to the House's adjournment for the General Election. The House of Lords has already passed a comparable bill. The proposed legislation will not apply to women, as lesbian relationships have never been illegal in modern Britain. The terms of the current bill were first advocated by the Wolfenden Report, which was commissioned by the government over a decade ago. The bill was sponsored by Labour member Mr Leo Abse, who has been a long-time advocate for this cause. In opposition, Conservative Sir Cyril Osborne argued against the bill, claiming it would damage discipline within the Armed Forces and degrade the nation's moral standards. His remarks were met with derision from members of the House. Observers noted that the substantial backing for reform indicated a strong possibility that the bill could become law within the next year. The government has taken a neutral stance on the issue and is open to allocating Parliamentary time for the bill should members express a desire to do so.
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