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Summary: Legality Opposed (Press, 2 February 1966)
On 1 February 1966, in a Supreme Court session in Auckland, Mr Justice Hardie Boys addressed the issue of homosexual acts between consenting adult males during discussions about recent criminal indictments. He noted that out of 23 indictments presented that day, six were related to alleged homosexual offences. Justice Hardie Boys strongly expressed his belief that the argument for legalising such acts on the basis that they are personal matters is misguided. He pointed out that if these charges are upheld, the individuals involved are not only harming themselves but also potentially victimising younger individuals, as the ages of those affected ranged from 13 to 17 years old, with one case involving an adult. His comments suggested a significant concern regarding the prevalence of these offences in certain areas of the city, labelled as "hunting grounds" for offenders. He cautioned parents of teenagers to be vigilant and to prevent their children from visiting these locations.
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