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Summary: Adoption Of Wolfenden Proposals Urged (Press, 12 May 1965)
On 11 May 1965, five bishops along with three other members of the House of Lords urged the British Government to reform laws regarding private homosexual acts between consenting adults. Their request came through a letter to "The Times," highlighting prior recommendations made by the Wolfenden committee in 1957. This committee, which comprised 15 members, including lawyers, doctors, clerics, and prominent figures such as Sir John Wolfenden, conducted a detailed three-year study advocating for a change in existing laws that prohibited homosexual acts in both public and private settings. The Wolfenden committee's position was that laws should not intrude in the private lives of individuals, and their report reflected a significant shift in societal attitudes towards homosexuality. The bishops from various dioceses, including Birmingham, Bristol, Exeter, London, and St. Albans, along with Lords Devlin, Brain, and Robbins, noted that a substantial majority of national newspapers had consistently supported these reforms. Furthermore, political backing came from the Liberal Party Council, along with support from individuals and factions within both the Labour and Conservative parties. The signatories of the letter pointed out that many British churches, numerous humanists, penal reform advocates, experts in criminology, judges, and various health professionals had also voiced their support for the proposed legislative change. They expressed hope that the Government would now acknowledge the pressing need for reform and take action to introduce relevant legislation. On the following day, a resolution to bring attention to the Wolfenden committee's recommendations was expected to be put forth in the House of Lords by the Earl of Arran, marking a potential step forward in the ongoing discussion around the legal status of private homosexual behaviour in the UK.
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