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Summary: Casement Diaries (Press, 18 March 1965)
On 17 March 1965, British Prime Minister Harold Wilson stated that the controversial diaries of Sir Roger Casement would remain in Britain, despite calls for their return to Ireland. Sir Roger Casement, an Irish patriot, was executed by the British in 1916, and his diaries are reported to contain evidence of his homosexuality during his time as a consular official in South America. During a discussion in the House of Commons, Labour MP Hector Hughes advocated for the return of Casement's documents to Eire, similar to the recent repatriation of his remains. However, Wilson cited the Public Records Act, explaining that records could only be released if they were duplicated in other preserved public records or if there was a compelling reason against permanent preservation. Wilson observed that neither of these conditions applied to Casement's diaries. The diaries have sparked controversy, with many Irish individuals asserting that they are forgeries intended to tarnish Casement's reputation, particularly during a sensitive period in World War I when the United States maintained its neutrality. There were concerns that Casement's treason trial could negatively impact Irish-American sentiments.
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