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Summary: Churches Agree On Homosexual Law (Press, 23 October 1964)
On 22 October 1964, the British Council of Churches discussed recent legal changes regarding the decriminalisation of homosexual acts between consenting men in private. The council, composed of 23 churches across the British Isles excluding the Roman Catholic Church, revealed that while there is no outright opposition to these changes, opinions remain divided within certain congregations. A resolution was passed to form an advisory group tasked with engaging with the new Home Secretary, Sir Frank Soskice, on implementing recommendations from the Wolfenden report. This report, published in 1957 and led by Sir John Wolfenden, advocated for the decriminalisation of private homosexual acts among adult men. The Rev. Kenneth Greet, chairman of the advisory group, noted during the meeting in Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, that public opinion has shifted positively since the report's release. He highlighted a significant directive from the Home Office stating that police are to refrain from charging individuals for private homosexual behaviour without consulting the Director of Public Prosecutions first. This reflects a broader change in societal attitudes toward homosexuality and the enforcement of related laws. Additionally, on the same day, the 57-nation Afro-Asian group within the United Nations, which holds a majority in the assembly, announced its decision to postpone the opening of the General Assembly until December 1964.
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