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Summary: Inspector In Inquiry Termed Biased (Press, 9 August 1963)
The Cherry Farm Hospital inquiry, which began on August 6, 1963, continues to unfold with allegations surrounding the conduct of staff member identified as “X”. On the third day of the inquiry, concerns were raised regarding the impartiality of the inspector, Mr W. H. Reid, with one witness suggesting past bias during a previous inquiry; however, this witness believed the fresh evidence presented at the current inquiry had influenced Mr Reid's perspective. On this day, four new witnesses provided testimonies—including a patient, two staff nurses, and a former staffer, while two others were recalled. A total of 19 witnesses have given evidence thus far. One patient, referred to as “E,” voiced concerns about unfair treatment, claiming that "X" showed favouritism towards select patients. Nurse “C” recounted experiencing "hate sessions and petty jealousies" among staff and detailed his suspicions about "X's" preferential treatment toward certain patients, particularly highlighting a dynamic where "X" was viewed by a young inmate as a father figure. Nurse “C” recounted a time when "X" was suspected of favouring young patients with personality defects, some of whom had histories of homosexual tendencies. He disclosed incidents of "X" being found in close proximity to a young patient and described interactions that caused alarm among the staff, which he had discussed with superiors. The inquiry has taken steps to protect the identities of witnesses, and all references have been coded. A significant allegation presented during the inquiry included a directive purportedly given by a staff doctor that involved waking a troubled patient hourly during the night, which was denied by the doctor involved. Evidence from former staff nurse “D” from a prior inquiry in November 1962 was introduced that implicated "X" in inappropriate physical conduct with a male patient. The complexity of the situation is underscored by the witness testimonies reflecting an atmosphere of mistrust and allegations of past bias against the inquiry inspector, Mr Reid. The hearing is set to continue into the upcoming week as more evidence is presented, with various counsel representing different parties involved, including staff, patients, and the Mental Hospitals Division.
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