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Summary: Admission Of Sodomy (Press, 30 October 1962)
Rex David Young, a 37-year-old cinema manager from Eltham, was sentenced to 18 months' imprisonment for sodomy in the Supreme Court in New Plymouth on 29 October 1962. Young had pleaded guilty to the charge involving a 17-year-old male. His lawyer, Mr J. A. Dean, argued that while the offence was serious, it was a tragedy that Young had lost everything due to his inability to manage his emotions. He described the incident as isolated and noted that Young had recognised the need for medical and psychiatric treatment. Mr Justice Hutchison acknowledged the case's tragic nature, noting Young's fine Christian upbringing and sober habits. However, he emphasised the seriousness of the crime, particularly as it involved a youth, and mentioned that the association had been ongoing for a significant period. The judge underscored the importance of upholding community obligations, stating that a term of imprisonment was necessary in this situation.
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