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Summary: Vandalism (Press, 4 July 1961)
In a letter to the editor dated 3 July 1961, the author, signing as I.S.T., expresses scepticism towards the effectiveness of flogging as a punitive measure. The writer questions the belief that corporal punishment can lead to reform, suggesting that a one-size-fits-all approach to justice may be flawed. I.S.T. critiques the philosophy of retributive justice, characterising it as a form of legalised vengeance against offenders, rather than a constructive means of addressing wrongdoing. The letter also addresses concerns regarding the potential for corporal punishment to foster homosexual tendencies, arguing that such deviations can occur regardless of the upbringing or psychological support offered to young offenders. The author asserts that they do not care about the personal circumstances of offenders, such as their maternal relationships, but are focused solely on deterring destructive behaviours. The letter conveys a desire to discourage vandalism in a manner that is most effective in dissuading the offender, even if it may not align with rehabilitative ideals.
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