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Summary: “Problem Plays” (Press, 28 December 1959)
Mr Ben Fuller, a veteran in the entertainment industry, expressed his concerns about the state of live theatre in America and England during his visit to Sydney on December 27, 1959. He stated that the focus on sex, swearing, and problem-oriented plays was undermining the essence of theatre, which he believes should primarily be about entertainment. Having recently returned from London on the liner Oronsay, Mr Fuller conveyed his dismay after observing over 40 plays across New York and London. He noted that approximately 40 per cent of these productions placed undue emphasis on themes of sexuality and social issues, leading to a theatrical trend he described as akin to a "garbage can." He argued that the overarching tone of these performances was more depressing than entertaining, which is contrary to what audiences seek when attending live shows. Fuller stated that theatre-goers typically look for relaxation and enjoyment during their theatre visits rather than being confronted with heavy topics like racial issues or LGBTQ+ themes. With four decades of experience in show business, he asserted that while he does not consider himself a prude, the current trajectory of theatre was alarming. His comments reflect a broader concern about the changing landscape of live performance and underscore a desire to refocus theatre on its fundamental role as a source of entertainment.
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