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Summary: Men Committed For Sentence (Press, 1 November 1958)
On 1 November 1958, two men in Lower Hutt, New Zealand, appeared before Justices of the Peace to answer charges related to homosexuality, where they both pleaded guilty. They were subsequently committed to the Supreme Court for sentencing. The men were identified as Brian Patrick Grimstrup, a 22-year-old clerk from Petone, and Michael Joseph O'Sullivan, a 20-year-old workman from Naenae. Grimstrup admitted to committing an unnatural offence, attempting the same offence, and aiding and abetting in further incidents. He was represented by Mr G. C. Hogg. O’Sullivan faced more serious allegations, admitting to four counts of committing an unnatural offence, one of aiding and abetting, and two counts of indecent assault on a male, with representation by Mr E. B. Robertson. Additionally, a third individual, Ernest William Johnson-Lee, a 29-year-old carpenter from Taita, pleaded not guilty to charges of indecently assaulting a male and aiding and abetting in an unnatural offence. He was represented by Mr A. G. Keesing. The case against these men emerged after Detective-Sergeant E. G. A. Rippin indicated that O’Sullivan was arrested on 19 October while participating in homosexual offences, which triggered further investigations that implicated others involved in similar activities.
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