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Summary: Appeal Against Death Penalty (Press, 27 March 1958)
Albert Matheson, a 52-year-old man, avoided execution for the killing of 15-year-old Gordon Lockhart following an appeal that was upheld by five judges of the Appeal Court in London on 25 March 1958. Originally convicted of capital murder by a jury in Durham, Matheson's conviction was altered to manslaughter, resulting in a 20-year prison sentence. The case involved a disturbing context where Matheson, described as having a psychopathic personality, killed and mutilated the boy using a claw-headed hammer. It was reported that Matheson was aware that Lockhart possessed £35 at the time of the incident, and there had been a homosexual association between the two. The defence attributed Matheson's actions to "diminished responsibility." The Lord Chief Justice, Lord Goddard, acknowledged the severity of the crime and indicated that it was comprehensible for a jury to feel that Matheson should not continue to live, reflecting the profound public and legal implications of such violent acts. Although the specific reasoning behind the appeal decision was not disclosed immediately, it was stated that further details would be provided at a later date.
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