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Summary: The Wolfenden Report (Press, 10 October 1957)
In a letter published in response to Miss M. G. Davies' assertion that "homosexuality is a crime against nature," the writer challenges this view by referencing Socrates, who is said to have viewed homosexuality as a legitimate expression of human nature. The writer argues that there is no reputable authority today that supports the idea of homosexuality being unnatural despite prevailing legal opinions. Citing the Kinsey report, which indicates that homosexual behaviour is not significantly different from the sexual practices of a substantial portion of the general population, the writer stresses that such behaviour should be considered basic to human species. They reference experts like Dr. Peter Fletcher and Dr. Kenneth Walker, who suggest that the prevalence of homosexual activities does not correlate with psychopathic or psychotic symptoms, contrary to some claims made by opponents. The letter highlights a growing recognition that moral rigidity, rather than compassion, is contributing to the ongoing discrimination and legal persecution of homosexuals. It advocates for a reevaluation of laws that perpetuate this discrimination and calls for a more enlightened understanding of human sexuality. The writer concludes by urging for an end to the "shameful legislative blot" affecting the lives of homosexuals, reinforcing the need for legal reform based on compassion and understanding rather than outdated moral judgments.
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