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Summary: The Wolfenden Report (Press, 18 September 1957)
In a letter published on 18 September 1957, Colonel Prigg expresses his agreement with the sentiments of a previous article titled "End Legalised Persecution." He reflects on the significance of the work done by Dr. Kenneth Walker and Dr. Peter Fletcher, whom he regards as more reliable authorities than the "Manchester Guardian." Prigg commends the extensive research conducted by these doctors and Havelock Ellis, which he believes has contributed to a shift away from bigotry towards more enlightened views on sexuality and social hygiene. He recalls the troubling messages portrayed in purity instruction pamphlets during his youth, which instilled fear and misconceptions about topics like "self abuse" and the idea of "lost manhood." Prigg describes these messages as grotesque terrors that were unfairly impressed upon young minds. In contrast, he finds wisdom and practicality in Havelock Ellis’s work, particularly in "Task of Social Hygiene," indicating that this text offers a more enlightened perspective on sexual health and education. Through his letter, Colonel Prigg advocates for a more informed and compassionate understanding of human sexuality, lamenting past misconceptions while recognising the progress made through research and education.
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