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Summary: Perverts Sent To Gaol (Press, 25 July 1957)
On 24 July 1957, four men were sentenced in the Wellington Magistrate’s Court for charges of indecent assault against youths. The sentences were delivered by Mr M. B. Scully, S.M., who emphasised that individuals involved in such acts would receive no sympathy from the court. Riordan Herbert Godfrey, a 32-year-old former police sergeant, and Cyril Otto Foothead, a 45-year-old salesman, were both sentenced to three years in prison. Leslie Frederick Pahl, a 20-year-old shop assistant, received a one-year sentence, while John Macpherson, a 31-year-old taxi driver, was sentenced to two years' imprisonment. Scully condemned Foothead’s residence on Seatoun Road, describing it as a "house of vice, sin and depravity." During the proceedings, Mr R. Stacey, representing Godfrey, raised concerns regarding the prosecution of other Police Force members who were allegedly involved in homosexual activities, questioning why they had not faced similar charges.
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