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Magistrates’ Views On Homosexuality (Press, 3 October 1955)

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Summary: Magistrates’ Views On Homosexuality (Press, 3 October 1955)

On 1 October 1955, the council of the Magistrates' Association in the United Kingdom voted to recommend that homosexual conduct in private between adults aged 30 years or older should no longer be regarded as a criminal offence. With a narrow margin of 41 votes in favour and 33 against, the decision was presented in the association's annual report. While the council acknowledged that homosexual practices were deemed undesirable and potentially harmful both for the individual and society as a whole, they argued that changing the law would help reduce the risks of blackmail that often occurred due to existing legal penalties for homosexuality. The council's stance was based on the view that legislation against such conduct disproportionately exposed individuals to exploitation by opportunistic blackmailers. The recommendation specified that tolerance for homosexual conduct should be limited to consenting adults who are at least 30 years old. The council justified this age limit by suggesting that individuals younger than this, particularly those aged 21 or 25, may still lack emotional maturity and could be vulnerable to corruption. This position reflects broader societal attitudes towards homosexuality during that period, indicating a cautious approach to reforming laws while still expressing disapproval of homosexual behaviour. Overall, this recommendation signifies a significant step towards re-evaluating the legal treatment of homosexual acts in the UK during the 1950s, pointing towards the gradual shift in attitudes that would evolve in subsequent years.

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Publish Date:3rd October 1955