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Summary: Memorial To King (Press, 14 April 1953)
On 12 April 1953, a new memorial dedicated to King George VI was unveiled at the Queen’s Chapel of Savoy in London. This presentation was made by the Queen herself and marks a significant addition to the historic chapel located near the Strand. The memorial is designed as a stained glass window, featuring an image of a Bible resting on a cushion, symbolic of the King’s practice of reading scriptural passages daily. The window consists of seven distinct sections, with the depiction of the Bible on the cushion being specifically requested by the Queen. One prominent section of the stained glass represents the King seated on the Throne, crowned with the Crown of State. Accompanying this image are symbolic items like the Sword of State and the Sceptre, which are crossed over the Orb below. Other sections of the window illustrate the Royal arms and other heraldic symbols related to the monarchy. In a separate matter discussed on the same date, it was revealed in Washington that since 1947, a total of 425 employees from the American State Department have been dismissed. The dismissals have been attributed to various issues, including allegations concerning homosexual tendencies. These figures were presented to the House of Representatives Appropriations Committee, bringing attention to the ongoing scrutiny and standards within the State Department's employment practices as articulated by John W. Ford, the Director of the State Department's Office of Security.
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