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Summary: News Of The Day. (Press, 15 July 1909)
On 15 July 1909, the French flag was displayed at the Consulate in Christchurch to commemorate the French National Fete Day. Several events were planned, including the annual meeting of the Christchurch Cathedral Choir Old Members' Association, scheduled for that evening, which would begin with a special service at 5.15 p.m. in the Cathedral followed by tea and a social gathering. In the Arbitration Court, Mr Brown, representing employers, praised the private hotels in Christchurch for providing quality accommodation at low rates during discussions on a dispute related to these establishments. Meanwhile, the Rangiora Literary and Debating Society met on Tuesday, where Mr R. Ball presented a paper on Edgar Allan Poe, previously deferred from an earlier meeting. The Auckland Branch of the Liberal and Labour Federation passed a resolution advocating for the establishment of foundling hospitals to reduce infanticide incidences in the Dominion. In Kaikoura, a meeting was convened to form a miniature rifle club for young ladies, with plans made to use available ranges and resources. The Children’s Convalescent Cottage at New Brighton held its quarterly meeting, discussing reports and necessary improvements, such as removing overgrown trees to enhance access to sunlight and outdoor activities. Miss Dugby's Shorthand and Commercial School had several students who successfully achieved certificates in shorthand theory examinations held in April. The Lincoln District High School committee decided to commemorate Arbor Day with tree planting and a flag hoisting ceremony. Additionally, the 41st annual meeting of the Knightstown (St. Albans) Public Library Mutual Improvement Association took place, adopting reports and electing new officers. At a presentation for Mr C. E. Fowke, a railway employee retiring after over 37 years, attendees noted the remarkable history of long-serving staff in the region, including guard Mr. T. Breeze, who had worked alongside Mr. Fowke for decades. In Kaiapoi, the Borough Council discussed support for a protest against increased funding by the Hospital Board, ultimately voting in favour of the board's efforts to consolidate ward facilities for efficiency. The Farmers' Union will hold its next meeting to discuss current agricultural issues, while the Tramway Board is set to meet for routine business. Various organisations were involved in improvements, including the Young Women’s Christian Association, which reported significant fundraising success for their building fund. At a recent Kaiapoi School Committee meeting, the Board of Education agreed to address some concerns regarding educational resources and infrastructure. Mrs. delivered an influential lecture on "Prison Reform" at the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, discussing the need for humane approaches to rehabilitation rather than punitive measures. Moreover, the revised international telegraph regulations were announced, which would affect charges for telegram repetitions. In Christchurch, a collision occurred between a tram and a dray, causing injuries and damage but fortunately no serious harm to passengers. Lastly, the local community reflected on the discussions around the employment situation and preparation for Arbor Day events, as new educational provisions were considered by various committees.
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