Audio from the opening ceremony at Parliament: remembering the Homosexual Law Reform era - 30 years on. Note a number of musical performances have been removed from this recording.
This recording has been split into two parts - part 1 can be heard here
A special thank you to the organisers and participants for allowing this event to be recorded.
This abstract details the opening ceremony held at the Parliament buildings in Wellington to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Homosexual Law Reform Act during the Wellington Pride Festival 2016. The event not only marked a significant milestone in New Zealand's LGBTQ+ history but served as a place to remember the past, assess present challenges, and celebrate current achievements.
The ceremony involved a variety of speakers who recounted their experiences, struggles, and contributions to the cause. These included prominent figures from the LGBTQ+ community and allies who have played influential roles in advancing LGBTQ+ rights over the decades. The narrative illustrated the fight against discrimination, the personal costs of societal prejudice, and the resilience of the LGBTQ+ community.
A notable speaker, Dana de Milo, recounted their experiences of fleeing to Australia, being persecuted for their identity, and the physical and psychological torment they endured, including police harassment and justice system failures. Georgina Beyer, the first openly transgender mayor and Member of Parliament, shared insights into activism in Auckland and the challenges faced in media representation. Malcolm Kennedy-Vaughan highlighted the transformation and growing acceptance within the hospitality industry and in society.
Younger activists, like Bella Simpson and Tabby Besley, offered perspectives on the evolving challenges facing transgender youth, reinforcing that there are still significant strides to be made in terms of inclusion and mental health support. Mani Bruce Mitchell spoke on intersex rights and the importance of bodily autonomy, representing an often overlooked segment of the LGBTQ+ community.
The Wellington Pride Festival, as described by Adrienne Girling and Karen Harris, is a celebration of diversity and acceptance, offering various events over nine days, including the key 'Out in the Park' fair. Celia Wade-Brown, the Mayor of Wellington, officially launched the festival and advocated for continued inclusivity and recognition.
The ceremony was built on the premise of unity and support within the LGBTQ+ community and featured a call to action for future generations to carry forward the fight for full equality and respect. The event underscored the importance of honoring the history of LGBTQ+ rights activism while acknowledging the ongoing battles. It set the stage for a festival that would celebrate progress while remembering the work that still lies ahead.
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2010s, adrienne girling, agender, amanduh la whore, antonia watson, asexual, bella simpson, bill logan, biphobia, bisexual, celia wade-brown, dana de milo, demisexual, des smith, fetu-ole-moana teuila tamapeau, gay, gender fluid, genderqueer, georgina beyer, grant robertson, homophobia, homosexual law reform, homosexual law reform act (1986), homosexual law reform petition, insideout kōaro, intersex, karen harris, kassie hartendorp, lesbian, malcolm kennedy-vaughan, mani bruce mitchell, member of parliament, non-binary, pansexual, queer, rawa karetai, straight, tabby besley, trans, transgender, transphobia, wellington pride festival (2016), youth
Tags (computer generated)
abuse, access, achilles, activism, activities, advocate, agenda, allies, anger, animals, anxiety, army, arrest, attitudinal change, auckland, australia, beating, belonging, bigotry, binary, board, boxes, breakdown, building, bullying, capital, career, celebration, census, change, chant, church, civil unions, class, closet, coffee, coffee bar, comedy, coming up, community, conference, confidence, conservative, counselling, courage, dancing, data, depression, design, difference, discrimination, diverse sexuality, diversity, drag, drama, dream, drugs, eating, economy, elders, endocrinologist, entertainment, environment, equality, events, face, family, fashion, fear, ferry, film, fire, flying, forum, freedom, french, friends, fun, funding, fundraising, future, gender, gender diverse, gender identity, government, grief, growing up, hate, health, health care, hell, heterosexual, hiding, hit, holidays, homo, homosexual, homosexual law reform, honesty, hope, hospitality, hotel, housing, human rights, icons, identity, inclusion, indigenous peoples, inspiration, integrity, internet, iran, job, journey, justice, kindness, korea, ladies, law, leadership, lgbt, liberation, local government, london, love, march, marriage, marriage equality, maya angelou, mayor, media, meetings, mental health, minority, narrative, navy, night porter, nightclub, normal, normal jones, oceania, opportunity, oprah winfrey, otago, other, outreach, pacific, palmerston north, pants, parade, parents, passing, patience, people, performance, persecution, peter wells, police, politics, power, prayer, prejudice, pride parade, privilege, proposal, protest, queen, questioning, racism, rainbow, rally, reading, relationships, remembrance, representation, research, respect, review, rhetoric, roller, romantic, running, sad, safety, salvation army, scene, school, scum, self determination, sewing, sex, sexism, sexual violence, sexuality, siblings, singing, social, space, spaces, spectrum, speech, statistics, stereotypes, stigma, strategy, stress, structure, stuff, substance abuse, suicide, suit, support, surgery, survey, teacher, teaching, tease, teenage, television, termination, time, top, touch, tough, training, trans woman, transvestite, travel, trust, truth, understanding, unions, unnatural, venues, victoria street, violence, visibility, voice, walking, we are who we are, website, wedding, wellington, wellington bisexual women's group, wellington pride, wind, witness, women, work, workshop, writing, yellow, youth