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Joys Of Building Communities

A 16-part podcast series produced by Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura and Rainbow Hub Waikato. The team set out to explore the experiences of Takatāpui and Rainbow elders. They wanted to identify specific risks of elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Alongside this, they wanted to advocate for the meaningful inclusion of the needs of Takatāpui and Rainbow older people in strategies, policies, and services for the elderly in Aotearoa. For more information visit the Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura website.

Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura · Joys Of Building Communities


The audio recording explores the experiences and reflections of a speaker deeply engaged in fostering a sense of community within their local and broader environments. The narrative underscores the importance of connection, support, and mutual respect in building a cohesive and inclusive community, particularly for LGBTQ+ individuals.

The speaker begins by expressing a desire for a "rainbow street," a neighborhood filled with LGBTQ+ people, reflecting a longing for a sense of belonging and solidarity. They recount their efforts to build relationships with neighbors, offering help and support, and emphasizing the significance of being there for each other. This sense of neighborly care extends to small acts of kindness, such as sharing food during a storm, which strengthens bonds and fosters a supportive community atmosphere.

Respect within the community is highlighted as a key component, with the speaker noting their good standing with committee members and the club. This respect is not just about formal interactions but also about genuine care and connectedness, ensuring that no one feels isolated or alone. The speaker's actions, like checking in on neighbors and providing support, illustrate a proactive approach to community building.

Identity plays a crucial role in the speaker's narrative. They reflect on the importance of not losing sight of who they are and where they come from, acknowledging the efforts of predecessors who paved the way for the current state of LGBTQ+ rights. This historical perspective is brought to life through the admiration of figures like the Top Twins, whose radical activism is celebrated. The speaker's own identity is multifaceted, encompassing both Māori and LGBTQ+ cultures, and they express gratitude for the opportunity to reconnect with and celebrate these aspects of themselves.

The concept of resilience is intertwined with the speaker's experiences. They describe their lifestyle as "boring" yet fulfilling, finding joy and strength in simple, sustainable activities like planting trees. This connection to nature and communal activities serves as a metaphor for resilience, illustrating how shared efforts and support can strengthen bonds and foster a sense of belonging. The speaker humorously contrasts their activities with more stereotypical perceptions of LGBTQ+ life, emphasizing that their community building is grounded in genuine connection rather than superficial attributes.

Involvement in various communities is a recurring theme. The speaker mentions their engagement with the disability community and the New Zealand Prostitutes Collective (NZPC), noting how these experiences provided a true sense of community. These connections are characterized by shared struggles, histories, and physical meeting places, which are essential for fostering a genuine sense of belonging. The speaker acknowledges the diverse identities within these groups, highlighting the inclusive nature of their community involvement.

Advocacy and leadership emerge as significant aspects of the speaker's role within their communities. They describe starting a group for LGBTQ+ addicts in recovery and leading a group of trans women, emphasizing the importance of supporting others and providing role models. This leadership extends to everyday interactions, where the speaker demonstrates how small acts of kindness and guidance can have a profound impact on individuals, particularly youth struggling with various issues.

The narrative also touches on the speaker's personal growth and the lessons learned about connection and reciprocity. They reflect on past experiences of isolation and the importance of reaching out to others rather than waiting to be approached. This proactive approach to building connections is framed as essential for fostering a sense of community and mutual support.

The speaker concludes with a hopeful outlook on the future of the LGBTQ+ community, noting the resilience and assertiveness of younger generations. They express confidence in the continued survival and strength of the community, driven by a shared commitment to support and advocacy. The narrative ends on a personal note, with the speaker describing their deliberate efforts to surround themselves with members of the LGBTQ+ community in daily life, finding comfort and connection in these interactions.

This summary is created using Generative AI. Although it is based on the recording's transcription, it may contain errors or omissions. Click here to learn more about how this summary was created.