The national hui ran from the 23 - 25 January 2009 at Tapu Te Ranga Marae in Island Bay, Wellington. It was organised by Out There! National Queer Youth Development Project and featured a queer youth training workshop along with discussions about sexual and gender diversity.
Alison Laurie
Elizabeth Kerekere introduces a queer history talk by Alison Laurie...
Extreme Taupo
Wai Ho talks to people from the peer support group Extreme Taupo...
NAGS Nelson
Wai Ho talks to Tabby Besley about NAGS in Nelson and an unidentified person talks about a workshop on sexuality and gender...
North Canterbury
Wai Ho talks to Kerry Brown about the North Canterbury queer support group...
Qtopia Christchurch
Wai Ho finds out more about the youth support group Qtopia...
Reactions to day 1
Hui participants reflect on the first day of the hui...
Reactions to day 3
Hui participants reflect on the third day of the hui...
Recently out participant
Wai Ho talks to a hui participant who has recently come out...
Waikato Queer Youth
Wai Ho learns about the Waikato Queer Youth support group...