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David Oxenbridge on Interference

David Oxenbridge is the associate producer and social impact producer of a new feature documentary in development with the working title of Interference. The documentary focuses on homosexual law reform in the mid-1980s. The producer is Marilyn McFadyen, and the director is Welby Ings.

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Interference, a feature documentary currently under development, delves into the tumultuous period of homosexual law reform in New Zealand during the mid-1980s. This interview offers insight into the creation and intent of this powerful film.

The title "Interference" aptly encapsulates the documentary's dual focus. Firstly, it highlights the activists' ingenious strategies to infiltrate anti-bill events, sometimes disguising themselves to gain access and insight. Secondly, it brings to light the lesser-known interference from the American religious right, which played a significant role in shaping the campaign's discourse and outcomes. This foreign influence mirrors current issues of international interference in LGBTQ+ rights.

Oxenbridge's journey to the project began in the early 2000s. Their role in the documentary involves extensive research, engaging with activists, and ensuring that the film's social impact extends beyond the screen into community engagement and education. This involves creating actionable steps to move hearts and minds, especially among younger generations.

The documentary's approach is not just a recounting of political events but a deep dive into the personal experiences and societal impact of the law reform. It aims to capture the essence of the era, reflecting on how these events shaped New Zealand's social and political landscape. The film targets a broad audience, from the queer community to mainstream New Zealanders, emphasizing the relevance of these historical events to contemporary issues and struggles.

Producing a documentary of this scale in New Zealand poses significant challenges, particularly in securing funding and archival material. Despite these obstacles, the team is determined to tell this story with the richness and depth it deserves.

The documentary seeks to be more than just a historical account; it aims to resonate with today's audiences, drawing parallels between past and present struggles for LGBTQ+ rights. By weaving together political, social, and personal narratives, "Interference" aspires to be a visually stunning, emotionally impactful film that educates, inspires, and fosters a deeper understanding of a pivotal moment in New Zealand's history.

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Record date:4th January 2024
Interviewer:Gareth Watkins
Location:Parliament grounds, Wellington
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Archive:The master recording is archived at the Alexander Turnbull Library (OHDL-004973).