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IDAHOBIT panel 2022

Audio from the youth panel discussion marking IDAHOBIT (International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, Biphobia and Intersexphobia) 2022. The event was hosted by MP Dr Elizabeth Kerekere and the Rainbow Greens. It featured Taine Polkinghorne from the Human Rights Commission and a lineup of Green Party Youth MPs for 2022. A special thank you to the organisers and participants for allowing this event to be recorded and shared.

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  • 00:00 - MP Dr Elizabeth Kerekere
  • 00:50 - Rihari Campbell-Collier, Youth MP for Elizabeth Kerekere
  • 02:13 - Elizabeth Kerekere
  • 02:58 - Rosemary - Rainbow Greens
  • 08:00 - Taine Polkinghorne, Human Rights Commission
  • 15:20 - Elizabeth Kerekere
  • 15:56 - Rihari Campbell-Collier
  • 21:35 - Anoushka Majmudar, Youth MP for Ricardo Menendez March
  • 24:24 - Joel Holdsworth, Youth MP for Eugenie Sage
  • 27:28 - Albie Lockie, Youth MP for Chlöe Swarbrick
  • 31:30 - Cate Tipler, Youth MP for Golriz Ghahraman
  • 36:35 - Question and Answer session


The "IDAHOBIT 2022" event featured a panel discussion with individuals committed to the support and advocacy of Rainbow Communities within Aotearoa New Zealand. The event was held online on May 17, 2022, and was recorded as part of the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Transphobia, and Intersexphobia (IDAHOBIT). This special day coincided with Youth Week, spotlighting the perspectives of youth MPs alongside other dynamic voices within the Rainbow Greens and Human Rights Commission.

Elizabeth Kerekere, spokesperson for Rainbow Communities for the Green Party, opened the event. Along with Rosemary, representing the Rainbow Greens and running for the local board, they provided housekeeping information and a history of IDAHOBIT. This day marks the removal of homosexuality from the World Health Organisation's classification of diseases in 1990 and symbolizes the ongoing struggle against discrimination and the celebration of queer joy.

During the event, the discussion covered the legislative progress made for rainbow communities, including the passing of the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Act 2021 and the conversion practices prohibition bill. Emphasis was placed on the need for further legal protections, including modifying the Human Rights Act for broader inclusivity and addressing hate speech laws. Additionally, the event underscored the Human Rights Commission's role in supporting victims of discrimination and called for the establishment of a Ministry for Rainbow Communities.

The panel also reflected on individual and collective experiences within the rainbow community, highlighting stories of discrimination and resilience. Speakers presented their personal journeys and the importance of safe, supportive spaces for LGBTQ+ individuals. Moreover, the discussion underscored the necessity of allies within and beyond the community, advocating for further queer representation and allyship in various societal spheres, including schools and families.

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Record date:17th May 2022
Audio courtesy of:Rainbow Greens - Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand
Location:Online event
Metadata:View metadata
Archive:The master recording is archived at the Alexander Turnbull Library (OHDL-004671).