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Second reading debate

Audio from parts of the debate during the second reading of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, 16 October 1985 (part 2 of 2).

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A more detailed log of this recording is available on the LAGANZ website, see pages 0216-B and 0217-AB.

  • 0:00:10 - Winston Peters   (Tauranga, National Party)
  • 0:20:55 - Richard Northey   (Eden, Labour Party)
  • 0:39:45 - Rob Storey   (Waikato, National Party)
  • 0:44:20 - [cassette ends; recording stops abruptly]
  • 0:56:20 - Koro Wetere   (Western Maori, Labour Party)
  • 0:58:30 - [recording stops abruptly]
  • 1:01:10 - Merv Wellington   (Papakura, National Party)
  • 1:14:15 - [recording stops abruptly]
  • 1:14:16 - Merv Wellington continues


This summary describes the key points of a debate held during the second reading of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill in the Parliament of New Zealand on October 16, 1985. The debate was filled with intense discussion among various Parliament members, including Koro Wetere, Merv Wellington, Richard Northey, Rob Storey, and Winston Peters. The central argument is captured in a recording that lasts for 1 hour and 24 minutes.

Throughout the debate, numerous Parliament members articulated their positions regarding the reform of laws applicable to homosexual individuals. Some argued that changing such laws would be aligning with the growth of public acceptance and the advance of human rights. There was also mention of how civil institutions and the general population have begun to view homosexuality as part of human diversity, increasingly recognizing it as a non-pathological variation within sexual orientation.

A significant portion of the discussion was devoted to the implications of legislation on society, particularly its impact on young people and how schools might be affected. Concerns were raised regarding the message that legalizing homosexual activities may send, especially when it comes to the legal age of consent, and the potential for creating discord and confusion among the youth.

One of the potent arguments against the bill suggested that despite the theory being appealing, it could be ruinous in practice, citing Edmund Burke's skepticism about specious theories lacking solid foundations. Opponents expressed strong reservations about the necessity of the bill, its timing, and the perceived political motivations behind its introduction. Some members criticized the bill as a diversion from other severe economic and political issues facing New Zealand.

The debate also explored the complexities of conscience vs. representative politics, with some members polling their electorates to determine how to vote on the bill, thus projecting a sense of apprehension and fear of electoral consequences. Others took a firmer stand, adhering to their personal convictions or what they perceived as the predominant view of their communities, including specific mention to the Maori population and its potential reception to the reforms.

Towards the end of the debate, a point was made about the responsibilities associated with rights – a shift from focusing solely on the rights of individuals to act as they please, to a broader consideration of how such rights affect the collective, particularly the youth.

In conclusion, the second reading of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill encapsulated the tension between social progressivism and conservatism, reflecting the diverse views and opinions of the members of the New Zealand Parliament. The debate highlighted critical themes such as democratic principles, individual freedoms, societal values, and collective responsibilities.

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Record date:16th October 1985
Audio courtesy of:Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand (LAGANZ)
Location:Parliament buildings, Wellington
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