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Hansard - Homosexual Law Reform Bill

The Homosexual Law Reform Bill was introduced by Labour MP Fran Wilde as a private members bill on 8 March 1985. After 16-months of heated debate, it was partially passed on the 9 July 1986. The pages below reproduce Hansard, the official written record of Parliamentary proceedings. Note the proceedings of Select Committees are not recorded in Hansard. Some of the parliamentary debates were also recorded via radio broadcast, and can be heard here.

The full text of the debates can also be downloaded as one file, either as plain text or in json format.

Homosexual Law Reform Bill - first reading (8 March 1985)
FRAN WILDE (Wellington Central): I move, That leave be given to introduce the Homosexual Law Reform Bill. At the outset, I wish to make...
Published: March 1985

Homosexual Law Reform Bill - second reading (9 October 1985)
FRAN WILDE (Wellington Central): I move, That this Bill be now read a second time. When I introduced the Bill I was anxious that...
Published: October 1985

Homosexual Law Reform Bill - second reading continued (16 October 1985)
BRUCE TOWNSHEND (Kaimai): Before the interruption of the debate 1 week ago I had been expressing my concern that the House had been deprived...
Published: October 1985

Homosexual Law Reform Bill - second reading continued (23 October 1985)
SPEAKER: I shall check which member was speaking when the matter was adjourned last week. Mrs Hercus. JOHN BANKS (Whangarei): I raise a point...
Published: October 1985

Homosexual Law Reform Bill - Report of Justice and Law Reform Committee (5 November 1985)
TREVOR MALLARD (Hamilton West): I am directed to report that the Justice and Law Reform Committee has carefully considered three petitions praying that Parliament...
Published: November 1985

Homosexual Law Reform Bill - second reading continued (6 November 1985)
DEREK ANGUS (Wallace): Today there will be many New Zealanders who will be disappointed about the cavalier fashion in which the largest petition ever...
Published: November 1985

Homosexual Law Reform Bill - second reading continued (13 November 1985)
NORMAN JONES (Invercargill): Last Wednesday I moved an amendment that the Bill should lie upon the table for 12 months. I did that because...
Published: November 1985

Homosexual Law Reform Bill - Instruction to Committee (20 November 1985)
GRAEME LEE (Hauraki): I move, That it be an instruction to the Committee of the whole House on the Homosexual Law Reform Bill that...
Published: November 1985

Report of the Privileges Committee - Alan Hitchens and Chris Knight (12 December 1985)
Hon. GEOFFREY PALMER: I have the honour to present the report of the Privileges Committee on the matter of privilege concerning an article published...
Published: December 1985

Homosexual Law Reform Bill - Business Carried Forward (12 December 1985)
Hon. GEOFFREY PALMER (Leader of the House): I move, That the following Bills: the Animal Remedies Amendment Bill, the Apple and Pear Marketing Amendment...
Published: December 1985

Homosexual Law Reform Bill - Committee of whole House (5 March 1986)
Clause 1. Short Title and commencement (continued). [A dispute having arisen, the member for Papakura withdrew from the Chamber on the instruction of the...
Published: March 1986

Homosexual Law Reform Bill - Committee of whole House continued (19 March 1986)
GRAEME LEE (Hauraki) moved to add to the motion the words "except Part I". TREVOR MALLARD (Hamilton West) moved, That the question be now...
Published: March 1986

Homosexual Law Reform Bill - Committee of whole House continued (26 March 1986)
Mr SPEAKER: I am aware of the considerable number of amendments before the Committee and of the close similarity of many of them. For...
Published: March 1986

Homosexual Law Reform Bill - Committee of whole House continued (9 April 1986)
Hon. MERV WELLINGTON (Papakura), on a point of order, drew attention to Speaker's ruling 138/4; and to Speaker's ruling 139/1, which stated that it...
Published: April 1986

Homosexual Law Reform Bill - Committee of whole House continued (16 April 1986)
Hon. MERV WELLINGTON (Papakura): I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker. I want, at the outset, to assure you that I am not...
Published: April 1986

Homosexual Law Reform Bill - Committee of whole House continued (4 June 1986)
FRAN WILDE (Wellington Central) moved to delete the long title and to substitute the following long title: An Act to amend the Crimes Act...
Published: June 1986

Homosexual Law Reform Bill - third reading (2 July 1986)
PHILIP BURDON (Fendalton): I move, That the order of the day for the third reading of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill be discharged, and...
Published: July 1986

Homosexual Law Reform Bill - third reading continued (9 July 1986)
The third reading of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill having been called, Dr BILL SUTTON (Hawke's Bay) said: I raise a point of order...
Published: July 1986