A list of archived articles from (2001-2017), in the original category of: Comment.
- 18/10/01 - Banks for Mayor: How did this tragedy happen?
- 28/10/01 - Auckland's new conservative city council, a queer perspective
- 08/11/01 - Be Ever Vigilant!
- 26/11/01 - Life - But not as we know it
- 04/01/02 - Buddy, Can You Spare a Vote?
- 08/02/02 - Christine Fletcher and us
- 12/03/02 - Candidates and Pink Slips
- 10/04/02 - ACC Saga continues - Get your votes in
- 02/06/02 - Entrapment & Homophobia?
- 10/06/02 - Homosexuals and Homogenous?
- 20/06/02 - Vote For Me, I'm Honest!
- 09/08/02 - How gay-friendly is our new Parliament?
- 21/08/02 - Beyond The Lavender Ceiling
- 09/10/02 - Jack Marshall's Time Warp
- 08/11/02 - Hansard Returns!
- 24/03/03 - The Building Blocks of Maxim
- 28/04/03 - McDonalds and Maxim
- 01/06/03 - Spirits Of Perversion?
- 26/06/03 - The Christian Right and Prostitution Law Reform
- 05/07/03 - All Quiet on the Fundie Front?
- 17/08/03 - Backlash helped to defeat Death with Dignity Bill
- 06/09/03 - The Weak "Case" Against Same-Sex Parenting
- 13/09/03 - Classic Illiberals: The Social Conservative Invasion of ACT?
- 08/10/03 - The power of irresponsible words
- 22/10/03 - 'Family' used to be such a nice word
- 28/11/03 - Family Values or Fantasy Values?
- 28/11/03 - The euthanasia debate: where's our voice?
- 08/12/03 - Vestiges of Anal Apocalypse: Maxim and "Sodomy"
- 15/12/03 - Tell Us Lies: The Maxim Submission on the Care of Children Bill
- 19/12/03 - Rotten Apples: Maxim, Antigay Data and the Cameron Connection
- 24/01/04 - The Census and the Fate of the Christian Right
- 13/02/04 - Hitler Was Straight
- 28/02/04 - Maxim, Misinformation and Marital Status
- 15/03/04 - Act now to keep schools safe for all students!
- 15/03/04 - Queer Eye On the Brash Guy
- 16/03/04 - Relative Problems: Same-sex parenting defended
- 19/03/04 - Singapore (mud) sling: US fundie invasion
- 27/03/04 - Off the Raels: Should Mardi Gras have banned Raelians?
- 01/04/04 - Civil Unions Bill distracts from Omnibus Bill
- 01/04/04 - Brash's views and voting record are consistent
- 06/04/04 - Sado-Maso-Christians?
- 14/04/04 - The nonsensical opposition to Civil Unions
- 14/04/04 - Wedded Blitz: Bernard Moran's Investigate Sources
- 20/04/04 - The Christian right and un-natural law
- 20/04/04 - Special rights for straights: the Catholic agenda
- 25/04/04 - Wgtn gay group criticises Bishop's CU stance
- 26/04/04 - Wizard used to unmask Maxim
- 26/04/04 - All things to all people?
- 28/04/04 - Who's using the Maxim propaganda machine?
- 30/04/04 - Why gays need Rodney Hide
- 04/05/04 - Sexual v business ethics - the Derek Corporation
- 06/05/04 - Taking stock of Don Brash
- 10/05/04 - Maxim v the Christian Right Old Guard?
- 12/05/04 - US fundies attack NZ Civil Unions bill (Pt. 1)
- 17/05/04 - 'Evidence'... Don't judge a book by its cover!
- 17/05/04 - US fundies attack NZ Civil Unions bill (Pt. 2)
- 17/05/04 - US predator in NZ... who is this man?
- 02/06/04 - An eternity of boredom
- 06/06/04 - Focus on the Family and Canadian hate radio
- 08/06/04 - Ronald Reagan: Don't wear black
- 09/06/04 - Hanging around in bogs
- 10/06/04 - Randerson's defense of Vercoe is ill-informed
- 10/06/04 - Bishop: Archbishop at odds with church on gays
- 10/06/04 - Reagan was pro-gay and HIV-aware
- 10/06/04 - "Two mummies" highlights PC hypocrisy
- 14/06/04 - Randerson takes Peron to task
- 15/06/04 - The hypocrisy of fundamentalists and divorce
- 18/06/04 - Comment: If we're to exclude MPs for philosophical reasons...
- 23/06/04 - Stop whining about womens wages and privacy!
- 23/06/04 - Debate: Richard... I don't have ESP!
- 24/06/04 - 'Phobewatch- CUB Phobe Log Week 1
- 24/06/04 - Homosexuality is a meaningless eroticism
- 30/06/04 - Brucie's Mexican anti-gay interlude
- 01/07/04 - Ten bad "reasons" to oppose the CU Bill
- 08/07/04 - The NZ Christian Right and Islamophobia
- 12/07/04 - Maxim takes control
- 15/07/04 - Enough! deconstructing Destiny's propaganda
- 16/07/04 - Colin, Chris and the Christian Right
- 21/07/04 - More than enough: Who are Destiny's allies?
- 22/07/04 - Regress Australia Unfair
- 02/08/04 - Life on the fringes: living as a fundamentalist Christian
- 02/08/04 - Maxim and Maggie... together at last!
- 09/08/04 - 101 Strange Q&As about homosexuality
- 12/08/04 - Observations on the ambivalent past
- 17/08/04 - Destiny Church and the US Christian Right
- 20/08/04 - Maxim and "Toleration"
- 24/08/04 - Brian's Black T Shirts and Echoes of the Past
- 24/08/04 - Enough Fascist iconography is Enough!
- 27/08/04 - Sorry Brian, not in this country!
- 31/08/04 - Destiny's lurch: The anti-anti-gay backlash?
- 01/09/04 - Little boys in black shirts... again
- 01/09/04 - Ten bad arguments "against" glbt relationship equality
- 02/09/04 - When black shirts frighten us
- 06/09/04 - Brian and Kim...?
- 06/09/04 - Getting Moody about relationship equality
- 12/09/04 - Faith and politics rarely mix well
- 12/09/04 - New Express editor appointed by Christian activists
- 13/09/04 - Onan the Barbarian!
- 13/09/04 - Snakes and ladders - LGBT tactical voting
- 16/09/04 - David Irving, a gay perspective
- 22/09/04 - (Still Awaiting) Evidence - Abstract assertions and Maxim
- 23/09/04 - Review: Diversity without depth on State of the Family
- 26/09/04 - Comment: Leave those penguins alone!
- 28/09/04 - Not again, Brian?
- 06/10/04 - MIA... Maxim In-Active?
- 06/10/04 - Pathetic utterance?
- 13/10/04 - This is what happens to real glbt people
- 13/10/04 - Maxim "research" and hospital visit rights
- 13/10/04 - Has Australia become even Unfairer?
- 22/10/04 - Contradictions and shotgun strategies
- 22/10/04 - Why Flannagan fails... another perspective
- 26/10/04 - Maxim, SPCS, Conservative Correctness and Censorship
- 28/10/04 - MAXIMum Impact: Stealth campaigns, dodgy research
- 29/10/04 - Stealth religion: Why Maxim does it
- 31/10/04 - Ten seemingly simple questions
- 04/11/04 - Maxim: Evidence of Deception
- 05/11/04 - Attack of the Scary Parents
- 14/11/04 - Retiring "The Homosexual"
- 17/11/04 - Georgina's anti-discrimination bill for transgenders
- 18/11/04 - November, the cruellest month for the Nats
- 19/11/04 - Eddie Long - Brian Tamaki's US connection
- 20/11/04 - Brian Tamaki and the politics of "shepherding"
- 24/11/04 - Maxim: They ain't ever going to be respectable...
- 25/11/04 - What is the 'Campaign Against Civil Unions?'
- 25/11/04 - Anti-terrorism laws, a gay perspective
- 25/11/04 - Maxim... fascinating and ridiculous!
- 28/11/04 - Thanks Mr Franks, for protecting the little people
- 30/11/04 - Institutions of 'Christian' Repression
- 30/11/04 - Apoplexy amongst the evangelicals
- 02/12/04 - Is "The Donald" Doomed?
- 03/12/04 - Rev. Milne, the fundie spinmeister
- 03/12/04 - Referenda Rabble Rousers
- 04/12/04 - Rob Muldoon's ghost and the centre-right
- 08/12/04 - Christian Heritage supports office attack message
- 08/12/04 - What is the "Support Good Morals Campaign?"
- 08/12/04 - Not so much "New Baalism" as "Same Old Recycled?"
- 10/12/04 - "If the shoe fits... "
- 13/12/04 - Civil Unions: Reaction (-aries)
- 18/12/04 - Unitarianism: Religion, reason and LGBT rights
- 20/12/04 - NZ's newest televangelist
- 20/12/04 - God does not play cruel tricks
- 23/12/04 - Polygamy and Commonwealth Law
- 25/12/04 - Who is Greg Koukl?
- 26/12/04 - Maxim - (Where's The) Evidence?
- 29/12/04 - Go Back to Dynasty, Alexis
- 06/01/05 - NZ big business in bed with the moral right creep
- 11/01/05 - Destiny Church: Defending the Bigotry
- 14/01/05 - Blast from the Past: Bruce Logan's Kinsey connection
- 18/01/05 - Tsunami Relief and LGBT Rights
- 21/01/05 - "Skippies"and the Malaise of the Centre-Right
- 22/01/05 - Spongebob Sinpants!!!
- 24/01/05 - Defanging the Lunacy? Destiny v Transit NZ
- 27/01/05 - The pentecostal versus the press
- 29/01/05 - Auschwitz: Lessons from the gay victims
- 04/02/05 - Pim Fortuyn and the Limits of Gay Solidarity
- 04/02/05 - Those 'ol third term opposition blues?
- 05/02/05 - God under Howard
- 06/02/05 - Detouring the Idiocy: Destiny v Transit NZ, Round 2
- 13/02/05 - The Maxim Institute and the Relationships Bill
- 16/02/05 - Opponents of transgender rights are the 'bizarre' ones:
- 18/02/05 - No Muzza Muzza
- 19/02/05 - Closetry - the Final Frontier?
- 20/02/05 - Comment: Obligatory heterosexual pairbonding ceremony (Repeat)
- 23/02/05 - The Lone Strangers?
- 26/02/05 - His Brianic Majesty?
- 27/02/05 - Poisoned caucus? The social conservative takeover of National
- 27/02/05 - Editorial: A tax-free Destiny?
- 28/02/05 - Destiny opponents fear for their safety
- 04/03/05 - Students cry for help against Destiny
- 05/03/05 - The End of the Yellow Brick Cross?
- 11/03/05 - Gay hippos and things subvert children!!!
- 15/03/05 - When Brians collide...
- 19/03/05 - Richard Worth - Utterly Worthless
- 01/04/05 - Instituting transphobia
- 01/04/05 - Editorial: The blatant, bloody hypocrisy of morals campaigners
- 07/04/05 - Reassignment surgery - Medical and social neccessity
- 09/04/05 - Comment: In denial? Capillgate and the Christian Right
- 09/04/05 - Size Matters - Labour and Tamihere
- 10/04/05 - Editorial: Not One Of Us
- 13/04/05 - Desperate Don!
- 23/04/05 - Protecting Our Digestive Systems?
- 27/04/05 - Civil Unions: A Silent Day?
- 09/05/05 - Baldock's DOMB Idea
- 14/05/05 - Emissions from the Brionosphere
- 16/05/05 - Planet Wishart does the Time Warp, again
- 01/06/05 - DOMB idea defeated?
- 09/06/05 - What is reparative therapy?
- 16/06/05 - Election: Reject the right!
- 24/06/05 - Liability Church?
- 05/07/05 - A Load of Pibble
- 13/07/05 - Is the Christian right about to abandon its anti-gay stance?
- 15/07/05 - Maxim: At cross purposes?
- 15/07/05 - The Christian Right: Business as usual...?
- 21/07/05 - Discriminatory Don and SOP 336
- 22/07/05 - A "Muslim" Right? Where?
- 25/07/05 - A Tale of Four Tories
- 26/07/05 - Brash remarks about foreign policy?
- 27/07/05 - DOMB dead!
- 30/07/05 - "Tax Cuts" and HIV/AIDS
- 02/08/05 - (Lacking) Vision
- 09/08/05 - Rotten core: The League of Rights and Binding Citizens Initiated Referenda
- 13/08/05 - Christian Right "Voters Guides"
- 15/08/05 - Playing with numbers?
- 16/08/05 - Comment: More squeaking from the Christian right
- 19/08/05 - Our lives are a Moral Issue!
- 19/08/05 - Suffer, scientific validity...
- 27/08/05 - Hidden agender?
- 29/08/05 - Avoiding Islamophobia
- 01/09/05 - Pragmatic Conservatism? Why Colin James is Wrong
- 01/09/05 - Dis/United?
- 01/09/05 - Suffering Sappho!!!
- 03/09/05 - Unintelligent Designs? Creationism and Homophobia
- 04/09/05 - Thinly disguised theocracy?
- 06/09/05 - Who are the Exclusive Brethren?
- 07/09/05 - Section 59 Repeal: The Greens versus the Christian Right
- 07/09/05 - Is France's Amelie Mauresmo Martina v1.2?
- 10/09/05 - Pamphletgate and the Nats
- 12/09/05 - Banning Same-Sex Marriage?
- 14/09/05 - Marital disturbance?
- 14/09/05 - Poisoned Stream - Don Brash and the Exclusive Brethren
- 25/09/05 - The 'book' that never was...
- 29/09/05 - Half empty, half full
- 05/10/05 - Brethrengate slams shut
- 09/10/05 - Crystal is White Trash!!!
- 11/10/05 - Still as little Vision...
- 14/10/05 - The book that never was, Part II
- 19/10/05 - Sex and the Satirist: the unapologetic, exuberant Joe Orton
- 20/10/05 - Editorial: MAXIMum Protection?
- 22/10/05 - Silent Right?
- 26/10/05 - United Failures
- 27/10/05 - Be careful crossing road, homophobe author Duff told
- 28/10/05 - Paul Morris interviewed on National Radio
- 28/10/05 - Greg Flemming interviewed on National Radio
- 28/10/05 - Chris Banks interviewed on National Radio
- 30/10/05 - The marketing of idiocy?
- 02/11/05 - Skippy culling!
- 04/11/05 - Copywrongs?
- 04/11/05 - Sax and Virulence
- 09/11/05 - Logangated!
- 14/11/05 - Comment: DOMB Move, Gordon...
- 20/11/05 - Indefensible Bill
- 24/11/05 - The Muttley Army?
- 30/11/05 - Parents Inc.: Stealthy does it...
- 02/12/05 - Backlash bills make bad laws
- 05/12/05 - Poisoned candyfloss
- 06/12/05 - Comment: Stimulating thoughts
- 15/12/05 - Blight One Life?
- 16/12/05 - DOMBlivion
- 23/12/05 - Conspiratoria!
- 29/12/05 - Bruce Logan, unperson?
- 30/12/05 - A marriage of talents: Benjamin Britten and Peter Pears
- 06/01/06 - Off-Centre: DOMB and Extremism
- 17/01/06 - Reply: Speech, sects and stealth
- 17/01/06 - Strange Directions
- 22/01/06 - Maxim: No more Evidence
- 25/01/06 - Sodom and Rwanda?
- 26/01/06 - Canadian conservatives' pyrrhic victory?
- 31/01/06 - To ASBO or not to ASBO?
- 05/02/06 - Dog bites Maxim
- 05/02/06 - Afterwards
- 08/02/06 - Begone, Uneven Legged Spirit of Homosexuality!!!
- 09/02/06 - Compass (swinging wildly)
- 10/02/06 - Law and Ahdar
- 12/02/06 - Comment: Slowly whirring Godbots?
- 14/02/06 - Blasphemy is in the eye of the beholder?
- 15/02/06 - Editorial: Flying Emirates? Think again...
- 25/02/06 - Section 59: A Social Conservative Retreat?
- 26/02/06 - "Down, proud flesh, down!"
- 06/03/06 - Abortion pill RU486 - Nemesis?
- 12/03/06 - History: 1533 and All That
- 16/03/06 - The Commonwealth Games' parade of prejudice
- 19/03/06 - (Not) Taking Care of Business?
- 20/03/06 - The Infernal Lust Hormones of Doctor Reisman!!!
- 25/03/06 - Comment: Slippery Slopes and Time Warps
- 25/03/06 - Tragic Tracts
- 26/03/06 - Only 'Phobe in the Village Syndrome?
- 31/03/06 - John Milton, polygamy and relationship recognition
- 06/04/06 - Weird History: Kissing the Fundament?
- 06/04/06 - Disorganised homophobia?
- 13/04/06 - History: My Sweet Lady John
- 14/04/06 - Perversion Play?
- 29/04/06 - History: Pardoner me!
- 01/05/06 - Brute passions!
- 02/05/06 - History: Babylon hath been a golden cup
- 06/05/06 - Editorial: Some things never change. Why?
- 06/05/06 - When Virgins Attack!
- 08/05/06 - All That Gutters is Garnet...
- 09/05/06 - History: Blackmail and the closet
- 11/05/06 - Testimonial to Futility
- 14/05/06 - "Fornication" and Modern Sexual Ethics
- 16/05/06 - Sex, Saints and Sectarianism
- 17/05/06 - History: Tuscan Heat
- 21/05/06 - Our Opponents, on Autocue
- 23/05/06 - History: Revenge of the Virgin Martyrs!
- 24/05/06 - History: Muscular Christians and Flabby Fundies?
- 30/05/06 - Polyester Keepers?
- 31/05/06 - The ethical and research flaws of "Reparative Therapy"
- 06/06/06 - Huh? Stimulus, Parmenter and the evangelical left
- 11/06/06 - Sydney Anglicans: "Cancer in the Body of Christ?"
- 15/06/06 - Polygamy Hysteria 201
- 19/06/06 - Cunnicular Crossdresser? Bugs Bunny, Drag Queen!
- 23/06/06 - Bells, Smells and Candles: Anglo-Catholicism and Gay Men
- 26/06/06 - Before Law Reform: "Do you see the cops?"
- 09/07/06 - Philip Patston on
- 10/07/06 - Law Reform, AIDS and the Christian Right
- 14/07/06 - Family First parroting questionable US info
- 23/07/06 - Not angels, but Episcopalians
- 25/07/06 - History: The Original "Bad Girls?"
- 29/07/06 - Kinky Passions of the Leather Christians!!!
- 01/08/06 - Little Zealand?
- 07/08/06 - NBR and National's Dilemma
- 14/08/06 - Beyond "MacMovements"
- 19/08/06 - While America screeched?
- 21/08/06 - The Bishop of Bling is Revolting...
- 24/08/06 - "Planet Trotter" and Identity Politics
- 02/09/06 - The Strange Passions of Venus Monstrosa
- 12/09/06 - Brethrengate Reopened?
- 17/09/06 - Opinion: Don Gone?
- 18/09/06 - Opinion: Brethrengate Reopens Further...
- 19/09/06 - Comment: Defama-Tory?
- 20/09/06 - History: 1730: The Dutch 'Sodomy' Panic
- 21/09/06 - Comment: Brethrengate Australia?
- 22/09/06 - Comment: Brethrengate Australia: Union Blues?
- 25/09/06 - Brethrengate II: Australasian Storm?
- 29/09/06 - Comment: Conservative Smut?
- 02/10/06 - Brethrengate II: Wide Arc
- 03/10/06 - Enclave of Exclusion?
- 04/10/06 - When Godbots Break?
- 10/10/06 - Of Christians and Conferences
- 11/10/06 - The Strategy of the Exclusive Brethren
- 24/10/06 - Uncivil Societies: Post-Communism and the Christian Right
- 31/10/06 - The Well-Hidden
- 01/11/06 - The freedom of speech problem
- 03/11/06 - Paradoxical India
- 10/11/06 - Reaching out to the Christian Left
- 20/11/06 - Normalisation and the Discontented
- 24/11/06 - Citizens Referenda
- 30/11/06 - Can Maxim Survive?
- 03/12/06 - Exgay, Exscience, Exrelevant?
- 07/12/06 - New National?
- 12/12/06 - The Canadian Controversy
- 13/12/06 - Money talks louder than principles
- 18/12/06 - Investigate Magazine
- 18/12/06 - Soy Milk Silliness
- 23/12/06 - The War on Christmas
- 05/01/07 - Organised homophobia continues
- 09/01/07 - Comment: Has Maxim finally given up opposing LGBT rights?
- 11/01/07 - Comment: Pro-Family versus
- 12/01/07 - Comment: Spotlight on Stonestreet
- 15/01/07 - Comment: Bruce Logan - Who Needs Him?
- 15/01/07 - Comment: Yeah But No But Nat But
- 18/01/07 - Comment: Australia - A worrying new leader for Labor
- 24/01/07 - What If New Zealand LGBT history had been different?
- 26/01/07 - Boys Club?
- 30/01/07 - Comment: Maxim Institute in transition?
- 04/02/07 - Chameleon Christians?
- 05/02/07 - Guybots?
- 07/02/07 - More alternative LGBT New Zealand histories
- 09/02/07 - To be or not to be, continued
- 12/02/07 - Man and Husband
- 18/02/07 - Never Was and Never Will Be
- 21/02/07 - Social Justice? Yeah, Right!
- 24/02/07 - The Third Christian Right (2018-2030)
- 26/02/07 - Homosexual Bondage in Rose City!
- 26/02/07 - Leaving Our Religions?
- 01/03/07 - 59 Way Out
- 06/03/07 - Loyal?!
- 12/03/07 - Christian Heritage's Dark Legacy
- 12/03/07 - Off Key
- 14/03/07 - Comment: 59 Struck Out
- 22/03/07 - Opinion: Nunny State?
- 22/03/07 - Comment: How not to argue
- 28/03/07 - Comment: Uncertain Destiny?
- 29/03/07 - Comment: Brethrengate Nevermore?
- 30/03/07 - The vile Mr. Nile
- 31/03/07 - Comment: Instituting Matrimania
- 02/04/07 - Comment: 28 Good Reasons to Support Section 59 Repeal
- 02/04/07 - Hungochani: History of a dissident sexuality
- 03/04/07 - Comment: Hurricane Brian?
- 03/04/07 - Comment: Alive & kicking
- 12/04/07 - History: Our very own Da Vinci Code?
- 13/04/07 - Opinion: In Stan's Blood
- 13/04/07 - Opinion: Democratic Accountability and Brethrengate
- 16/04/07 - Opinion: "New" National and Electoral Finance Reform
- 17/04/07 - Backgrounder: Fundamental(ist) blindness in Nigeria
- 18/04/07 - Response: Homosexual bondage in Rose City!
- 20/04/07 - Homosexual Panic Defence and the Sentencing Act 2002
- 22/04/07 - Opinion: Brethrengate III...????
- 23/04/07 - Comment: Go, Bruce, go! Please...
- 25/04/07 - Tamihere, boycotts and LGBT politics
- 28/04/07 - Comment: Field & Tamaki
- 28/04/07 - 'Hate Crimes' - sadly, still topical
- 03/05/07 - Machiavelli and the social conservatives
- 04/05/07 - Panic Christians!
- 09/05/07 - Matrimania Continued!
- 10/05/07 - Christian Heritage? I Thought It Was Dead!
- 12/05/07 - Ex-Communicate! Ex-Communicate!
- 17/05/07 - Revive the Electoral Integrity Act
- 19/05/07 - Sour William?
- 19/05/07 - Religion vs. homosexual marriage
- 23/05/07 - Fantasy, Conspiracy and the Raving Right
- 03/06/07 - To Russia, With Loathing
- 03/06/07 - Anglican Civil War - A Minor Skirmish?
- 05/06/07 - Future Shlock
- 07/06/07 - Dunne's Faustian dilemma
- 09/06/07 - Conservative Identity Crises?
- 11/06/07 - The Last Days of Chez Howard?
- 14/06/07 - No Future, Old Copeland?
- 14/06/07 - Comment: Silence on the fundie front! Why?
- 15/06/07 - Comment: Do it now!
- 20/06/07 - Ambiguous Gender: The Intersex Surgery Debate
- 20/06/07 - Not Another Strange Sect Marriage!
- 25/06/07 - In bed with Nunny State?
- 27/06/07 - When Lone Strangers Whine...
- 01/07/07 - Gays and Scientology: Clear or Not So Clear?
- 04/07/07 - NZ Same Sex Marriage: Only a Formality?
- 07/07/07 - Being 'gay' isn't our candidates' only qualification
- 09/07/07 - Judaism and LGBT Rights
- 12/07/07 - Declaration, Discourse and the Lone Stranger
- 17/07/07 - Cuba Libre...?
- 19/07/07 - Much Ado About Pizza
- 26/07/07 - Covenant With Oblivion
- 04/08/07 - Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary...
- 04/08/07 - Barebacking and the Ghettoised Gay
- 07/08/07 - Editorial: Vote for me (you filthy deviants/perverts/creeps)!
- 08/08/07 - Poison Moon: The Unification Church & antigay politics
- 13/08/07 - You want anarchy?
- 17/08/07 - Alienation: The Bahai faith and LGBT equality
- 20/08/07 - Sharia Law: Lesbians, gays and... Islam?
- 23/08/07 - Brethrengate and Howard
- 25/08/07 - Gay and lesbian living legends
- 02/09/07 - National Party hubris?
- 02/09/07 - Forum for Whose Families?
- 05/09/07 - United Future - All Gas and Goethe?
- 06/09/07 - Abject Hypocrite: The Marcel Jouhandeau story
- 06/09/07 - The Spiked Closet?
- 10/09/07 - Instituting Smokescreens?
- 10/09/07 - Homophobia and child sexual abuse
- 13/09/07 - Fading Blue?
- 13/09/07 - John Spong: Christian Liberal Rationalist
- 14/09/07 - Obituaries: Whakahuihui Vercoe and D. James Kennedy
- 15/09/07 - Review: Exgays?
- 15/09/07 - Barking Madness and Same Sex Parenting
- 17/09/07 - Stupid thinking Christians
- 18/09/07 - Blue Deadwood?
- 18/09/07 - Ambiguous Destiny
- 19/09/07 - Christian Coalition II
- 20/09/07 - The new Christian Coalition: Unblobbable?
- 21/09/07 - Triangular loves of desperate Christians
- 22/09/07 - Weird Science?
- 23/09/07 - Exgays?... Really??
- 24/09/07 - Not Panicking...
- 25/09/07 - Tough. Love?
- 26/09/07 - On desperately trying to justify one's existence?
- 01/10/07 - The Pink Rider of the Apocalypse?
- 03/10/07 - From Culture War to Cold War...?
- 04/10/07 - The out-of-kilter Kill the Bill campaign
- 05/10/07 - Strange sect wooing and hissing noises
- 06/10/07 - Beware, possibly unstable cornerstone?
- 08/10/07 - Brucie's Baggage
- 09/10/07 - Christophobia?
- 11/10/07 - Same-Sex Marriage and Obnoxious Antilesbian Agendas
- 12/10/07 - Liberty Versus Death
- 14/10/07 - Electoral Finance Bill: A phony war?
- 16/10/07 - Brethrengate Australia: Of Nails and Coffins
- 17/10/07 - Curse of the Flapping Godbots?
- 22/10/07 - 'Love in Action' Vs. 'Homosexual Hate'
- 23/10/07 - What about a Forum for Real Families?
- 25/10/07 - Exclusive Brethren: "Above the Law?"
- 30/10/07 - Rudd's Wrong Step?
- 01/11/07 - Exclusive Brethren: Last Tango in Wentworth?
- 06/11/07 - In A League of His Own...?
- 15/11/07 - The Exclusive Brethren - Why we need the Electoral Finance Bill
- 19/11/07 - Exclusive Brethren: Dear John...
- 22/11/07 - Exclusive Brethren: Bad Timing in Tasmania?
- 23/11/07 - Exclusive Brethren: Plight of the Wrong Cause
- 27/11/07 - The Profane and the Inhuman
- 29/11/07 - Censorious Silliness
- 04/12/07 - Craig Chandler - Canada's troublesome activist
- 06/12/07 - Aussie Civil Partnerships - Take Three
- 11/12/07 - Forensic Pathology and Antigay Violence
- 13/12/07 - Putinism? "Modern" Russia, Homophobia and "Democracy"
- 20/12/07 - Nobody wants to be Fuhrer?
- 01/01/08 - Big Love: Slippery Slope?
- 03/01/08 - Pink shift in South-East Asia
- 08/01/08 - US Republican Identity Crisis?
- 10/01/08 - Compass: Same Old Direction...
- 15/01/08 - The Tragedy of Mike Moore
- 17/01/08 - Exclusive Brethren: Running Interference?
- 21/01/08 - US Presidential Candidates: The Good and the Bad...
- 24/01/08 - US Election: Beastliness from Mike Huckabee
- 29/01/08 - Political Ethics and Conservative Christians: The Ralph Reed Controversy
- 31/01/08 - Christian Right: Spanking the Kiwi
- 04/02/08 - Taking A Constitutional...
- 07/02/08 - Everybody Hates Fred
- 13/02/08 - Damning the Nile?
- 19/02/08 - Watching the Watchmen
- 26/02/08 - Is Judith Collins the next John Banks?
- 05/03/08 - To Do, or Not To Do?
- 11/03/08 - Direct Demagoguery?
- 18/03/08 - Nocturne for Iraq
- 13/04/08 - Iranian Dirge
- 22/04/08 - Homophobia, Torture and Execution in Iran
- 26/04/08 - Exclusive Brethren? Or the Usual Suspects?
- 04/05/08 - The anti-smacking petition smackdown
- 12/05/08 - Civil Peace: After LGBT reform
- 18/05/08 - The Two Horsemen of Their Apocalypse?
- 27/05/08 - Are gays at risk in Morocco?
- 03/06/08 - Backwards thinking in Eastern Europe
- 08/06/08 - Being gay in Turkey: Bring on the EU!
- 16/06/08 - Iraq: Out of the gathering darkness
- 21/06/08 - Our place in New Zealand's Future
- 29/06/08 - In defence of the Prime Minister
- 07/07/08 - Death of an old monster: Jesse Helms: 1921-2008
- 14/07/08 - The Maxim Institute: Underneath the Radar?
- 21/07/08 - Malaysia: Anwar Ibrahim and the Abuse of 'Sodomy' Laws
- 28/07/08 - Brethrengate '08?
- 29/07/08 - Key: "I'm more liberal than I look..." Yeah, right...
- 09/08/08 - Money talks
- 13/08/08 - Polyamory: Family First's 'Phantom Menace'
- 19/08/08 - Hollow Men II? The Christian Right 08
- 22/08/08 - Obituary: Leo Abse (1917-2008): Hesitant Liberator?
- 24/08/08 - Family First: Not beyond the law...
- 31/08/08 - The Bats and The Belfry
- 09/09/08 - Suddenly...
- 15/09/08 - Ministry for Whose Families?
- 22/09/08 - Family First: Satellite Lies
- 24/09/08 - Election '08: The Christian Right gets ready to rumble!
- 30/09/08 - Family First: Wrong, Key
- 03/10/08 - Deconstructing 'Value Your Vote'
- 12/10/08 - Maxim Institute: Beyond the Christian Right?
- 16/10/08 - Family First's Policy Watch: A Gay Parent's Perspective
- 20/10/08 - Book Review: Behind the Exclusive Brethren
- 22/10/08 - An Outrageous Proposition in California
- 28/10/08 - USA: More Outrageous Propositions...
- 31/10/08 - Decriminalising Gay Sex in India
- 03/11/08 - Green Tide?
- 06/11/08 - Interregnum?
- 09/11/08 - Election '08: Net Losses, Small Gains?
- 13/11/08 - The Naked Frontier!
- 18/11/08 - Family First: A Reality Check
- 24/11/08 - The flightless 'Kiwi Party'
- 01/12/08 - Jonathan Young is a cause for concern
- 05/12/08 - Against Outrageous Propositions
- 10/12/08 - Canada: Harper's Apocalypse?
- 16/12/08 - Whose Hip-Hop?
- 23/12/08 - Maxim Institute: Reviving the Same-Sex Marriage Debate?
- 29/12/08 - Who is Rick Warren?
- 02/01/09 - Survivors: The End of Whose World?
- 12/01/09 - History: Delayed Enlightenment
- 17/01/09 - Wired for sex: Your robotic relationship?
- 24/01/09 - Blessed are the...Persecutors?
- 02/02/09 - US Christian Right: Divided and Dissonant?
- 09/02/09 - 1978: Harvey Milk vs. the Briggs Initiative
- 12/02/09 - Harm? What "Harm?"
- 17/02/09 - Anita Bryant: The Downfall of a Hatemonger
- 26/02/09 - Sour Charity
- 05/03/09 - Genetic Discrimination: The Backdoor Route?
- 12/03/09 - Scandal and Politics in New Zealand
- 20/03/09 - What might a "Gay Brain" Mean?
- 27/03/09 - LGBT Human Rights Blackspots
- 04/04/09 - Surveillance and Sexuality
- 13/04/09 - Dead Rights?
- 21/04/09 - 'Strange' Anatomies
- 29/04/09 - Don't let Family First fool you!
- 05/05/09 - Gay Lust in Second Life
- 11/05/09 - The death of the so-called 'Gay Cure'
- 18/05/09 - The history of anti-gay torture
- 26/05/09 - Has our 'pink dollar' run out?
- 02/06/09 - Antigay Bullying: An American Perspective
- 13/06/09 - The Recession Vs. Sexual Boundaries
- 18/06/09 - The rise and fall of porn?
- 25/06/09 - Iranian Tragedy
- 01/07/09 - Hang in there, India
- 03/07/09 - Victory in India!
- 08/07/09 - Postmortem: Why did the Medicinal Cannabis Bill fail?
- 10/07/09 - UK gay man facing jail for helping ill partner to die
- 16/07/09 - Uganda: Homophobia and History
- 23/07/09 - Clayton Weatherston: One 'Provocation' too far?
- 24/07/09 - Provocation's defenders!
- 27/07/09 - Ulterior Motives?
- 14/08/09 - A Matter of Urgency?
- 14/08/09 - Relationship Equality: Australian Intransigence
- 14/08/09 - Brazil: Guns and Greenery
- 16/08/09 - Provocation and Hallucination
- 23/08/09 - Adoption Law and Same-Sex Parents
- 25/08/09 - Whangai: The Maori Stake in Adoption Reform
- 26/08/09 - Transgender law changes: progress report
- 27/08/09 - Provocation Indefensible
- 01/09/09 - Adoption Reform: We Need Readiness
- 07/09/09 - Razor Crescent? LGBT Pakistan
- 12/09/09 - Rainbow Wellington: "End provocation defence now"
- 19/09/09 - Being gay in Japan: Homophobia & Universalism?
- 27/09/09 - Malaysia: Truly Awful
- 05/10/09 - Adoption: In whose 'best interests?'
- 12/10/09 - Analysing 'Parental' Rightists
- 18/10/09 - Hyde v Hyde (1866): The 'Meaning' of 'Marriage'?
- 24/10/09 - France: False Universals?
- 01/11/09 - Australia: Refugees Need Not Apply
- 05/11/09 - The case against Citizens Initiated Referenda
- 10/11/09 - Old Treachery? William S. Burroughs & the Provocation Defence
- 15/11/09 - Jamaica: Murder on the dancefloor
- 23/11/09 - Queensland: State of Unease
- 29/11/09 - LGBT Communities, Poverty and Social Policy
- 06/12/09 - Pragmatists, Activists and Populists
- 10/12/09 - Climate Change and LGBT Politics
- 18/12/09 - Sex, shame and society
- 23/12/09 - Diversionary Tactic? Uganda and Its Civil War
- 30/12/09 - Designer Jackboots?
- 04/01/10 - Not Our Concern? LGBT Politics and Assisted Suicide
- 05/01/10 - Obituary: Wonder-Filled 'Revolting Crone' Mary Daly
- 11/01/10 - The Iris Robinson affair: Cougars for Christ?
- 18/01/10 - Whose Republic?
- 25/01/10 - The trouble with Nigeria
- 01/02/10 - Sarah Palin - America's Thatcher?
- 08/02/10 - Same-Sex Marriage: Yes, But...
- 15/02/10 - Religion, Risk and Unsafe Sex?
- 23/02/10 - British Elections: Where the parties stand on LGBT issues
- 02/03/10 - The British Tories: Sanitised Spin?
- 09/03/10 - UK therapists are trying to make gays straight… and failing
- 16/03/10 - Vestiges of Inequality: LGBT Ordination and Religious Weddings
- 23/03/10 - A well hung Parliament?
- 06/04/10 - Unpleasant Paisley Swirls
- 08/04/10 - Treachery and despair?
- 21/04/10 - Gay Wrongs?
- 27/04/10 - China: "Neither Promote or Persecute?"
- 03/05/10 - Backgrounder: Britain's Liberal Democrats
- 10/05/10 - The Tasman Gulf?
- 24/05/10 - Inertial conservatism?
- 09/06/10 - Other people's closets?
- 17/06/10 - Welfare privatisation: A threat to LGBT communities?
- 21/06/10 - No Benefit: Transphobia and welfare cutbacks
- 29/06/10 - Let the courts decide?
- 05/07/10 - Slacklash?
- 12/07/10 - Red Swathe of the Rainbow?
- 19/07/10 - African Anschluss?
- 28/07/10 - "Political Correctness" or Populist Cant?
- 30/07/10 - Opinion: Road to Nowhere
- 01/08/10 - Chris Carter: Your views
- 02/08/10 - Blips?
- 05/08/10 - Proposition 8 Overturned: California
- 09/08/10 - Looking Elsewhere?
- 16/08/10 - Backgrounder: The Australian Greens
- 23/08/10 - Matrimony and its discontents
- 30/08/10 - Analysis: Australia - Land of Confusion?
- 02/09/10 - NSW: Australian Christian Right vs. Adoption Reform
- 10/09/10 - NSW: Adoption Reform Victory!
- 20/09/10 - ACT: Mysterious Times?
- 26/09/10 - Obituary: Brian Donnelly 1949-2008
- 27/09/10 - Euthanasia: Going Nowhere?
- 05/10/10 - United Kingdom: Wedding Bells...?
- 11/10/10 - Iran: Homophobia and Injustice
- 22/10/10 - Grotesque Serbia
- 27/10/10 - Saudi Arabia: Death of A Prince?
- 04/11/10 - Bishop of bung?
- 11/11/10 - India after 377
- 17/11/10 - Multipolarity
- 29/11/10 - Circulation problems
- 14/12/10 - Who'll be next?
- 30/12/10 - MMP and our LGBT rights
- 06/01/11 - A Tale of Another Three Tories
- 13/01/11 - Blue Coat and Murky Filters
- 20/01/11 - Keep Left
- 26/01/11 - Keep it Green
- 03/02/11 - Maori Party: Rangatira Makers?
- 07/02/11 - Let’s Have An Auckland Mardi Gras!
- 11/02/11 - Learn the lessons from Hero
- 11/02/11 - Ill Liberals?
- 17/02/11 - Egypt: Life on the Edge?
- 28/02/11 - Iran: Premature Spring?
- 08/03/11 - Being gay under Gaddafi
- 16/03/11 - Welfare Retrenchment: An LGBT Issue
- 06/04/11 - Opinion: succession "problems"?
- 11/04/11 - Afghanistan: The Deadly Mosaic?
- 18/04/11 - Solidarity, in lavender?
- 28/04/11 - A Brash ACT
- 06/05/11 - Misreading Epsom
- 17/05/11 - Meandering Jackboots?
- 25/05/11 - The American Question
- 08/06/11 - Forum for (Very Few) "Families"
- 14/06/11 - David Cameron's Big Society: LGBT Concerns
- 22/06/11 - The folly of strange sect relationships
- 28/06/11 - Antisocial and Unjust
- 07/07/11 - Capacity and Conservative Christians
- 13/07/11 - Repression's Gargoyles
- 18/07/11 - Cuckoos and elephants
- 27/07/11 - Uncharitable Aspirations?
- 02/08/11 - The Republican Presidential race
- 10/08/11 - I'm a union man (or woman)
- 18/08/11 - Criminal Justice Policy and LGBT Concerns
- 25/08/11 - Adoption laws: a dog's breakfast
- 07/09/11 - Adoption: The next step
- 15/09/11 - Tongzhi HK
- 22/09/11 - Give Us Shelter (Part One)
- 29/09/11 - Update: Re-Valuing Your Vote
- 07/10/11 - Give Us Shelter (Part Two)
- 18/10/11 - Cheshire Key?
- 27/10/11 - Capital Gains Tax: Good for LGBT Communities
- 03/11/11 - Dear Murray ...
- 03/11/11 - Stealth, Silence and the "Wild Blues"
- 05/11/11 - Conservative Party - National's Little Helpers?
- 11/11/11 - Virtuous Circles?
- 17/11/11 - Triangulation Games?
- 21/11/11 - Candidate Q&A: Charles Chauvel
- 22/11/11 - For want of a nail?
- 24/11/11 - Vote 11: Meet your glbt candidates
- 24/11/11 - United Kingdom: Spending Cuts Don't Heal
- 27/11/11 - Clearing the Debris: Election Summary
- 06/12/11 - Buddha Wept: LGBT Rights in Burma
- 08/12/11 - Grant Robertson and "Identity Politics"
- 15/12/11 - The Amphibian versus the Mormon?
- 31/12/11 - Europe and LGBT Rights
- 05/01/12 - Adoption: Edging Glacially Toward Reform?
- 19/01/12 - Hungarian Malaise?
- 27/01/12 - Antisoliciting Bill, Take Three?
- 03/02/12 - Failed states and the plight of lgbt inhabitants
- 09/02/12 - US: War with the Newt?
- 16/02/12 - NZ foreign policy and lgbt rights
- 24/02/12 - Diamonds for an old Queen
- 04/03/12 - Improving MMP: An lgbt perspective
- 13/03/12 - Transgender rights: Why are we still behind Australia?
- 24/03/12 - Confucianism and Homosexuality
- 29/03/12 - UK: Hatemongers mobilise against same-sex marriage
- 05/04/12 - Charter schools: Not in our youth's interest?
- 13/04/12 - Into dangerous territory?
- 20/04/12 - Who is Miriam Grossman?
- 27/04/12 - Au Revoir, Monsieur Sarkozy?
- 03/05/12 - Mitt Romney and the US Christian Right
- 09/05/12 - Is this a con job?
- 18/05/12 - "I support same-sex marriage" (But...)
- 27/05/12 - Boycott Queensland?
- 29/05/12 - Adoption reform: State of play?
- 07/06/12 - Educational problems
- 18/06/12 - Marriage Equality: accelerating momentum
- 23/06/12 - Referenda and the Religious Right
- 05/07/12 - Tipping Point?
- 13/07/12 - Marriage Equality: Lessons from the Pioneers
- 18/07/12 - Obnoxious transphobia
- 26/07/12 - Marriage Equality: Starters Gate...
- 02/08/12 - Marriage Equality: Looking into the Abyss?
- 06/08/12 - Marriage Equality and Same-Sex Parenting: The Real Evidence
- 14/08/12 - Same-Sex Marriage Bans: Pathological Traces
- 23/08/12 - Marriage Equality: Un/Tainted Love
- 30/08/12 - Continuing the momentum
- 04/09/12 - Marriage equality: Traditional vileness
- 11/09/12 - The flawed Regnerus study
- 19/09/12 - NZ, where equality must mean equality
- 21/09/12 - What "Slippery Slope?" Same-Sex Marriage vs "Consensual Adult" Incest
- 23/09/12 - Regress Australia Unfair?
- 03/10/12 - Marriage Equality: Auckland No?
- 10/10/12 - Marriage Equality: Immoderate Majority?
- 17/10/12 - Marriage Equality: Party Colours
- 24/10/12 - Trans marriage equality
- 24/10/12 - Marriage Equality: Liberation Geography?
- 31/10/12 - Marriage Equality: Submission Holds
- 08/11/12 - Marriage Equality: Faith/Less?
- 14/11/12 - Marriage Equality: Follow the Leader
- 22/11/12 - Marriage Equality: Deserted Churches?
- 28/11/12 - Marriage Equality: Referenda Roulette?
- 06/12/12 - Marriage Equality: versus real family concerns
- 08/12/12 - Your submissions: Ralph Jaeger
- 10/12/12 - Your submissions: Akira Le Fevre
- 12/12/12 - Your submissions: Craig Hoyle
- 13/12/12 - Marriage equality, society, and the bully
- 14/12/12 - Your submissions: Grey Lynn dad
- 14/12/12 - Marriage Equality: Irrelevant Objection?
- 19/12/12 - Your submissions: Josh Chapman
- 20/12/12 - Marriage Equality: Coming Down?
- 27/12/12 - Marriage Equality: Anticlimax
- 04/01/13 - Marriage Equality: 2013 - Annus Mirabilis?
- 17/01/13 - Marriage Equality: What About Real Families, Bob?
- 22/01/13 - Marriage Equality: Insensible Sentences?
- 30/01/13 - Marriage Equality: One Man, One Woman? Yeah, Right...
- 11/02/13 - Marriage Equality: Bob and the Swingers!
- 15/02/13 - Conservative Catholicism and Marriage Equality
- 22/02/13 - Marriage Equality: Alternative Americas?
- 27/02/13 - Marriage Equality: A Perfect Storm?
- 09/03/13 - Marriage equality: Despairing rhetoric
- 12/03/13 - Deconstructing Family First
- 14/03/13 - Marriage Equality: Until The End?
- 18/03/13 - Defending adoption reforms
- 26/03/13 - Bob's Sydney Outing
- 01/04/13 - Final destination
- 05/04/13 - Marriage Equality: Referendum Blues?
- 09/04/13 - Obituary: Margaret Thatcher (1926-2013)
- 11/04/13 - Referenda:Family First's Post-Materialist Delusion
- 20/04/13 - Marriage Equality: VME Day
- 25/04/13 - After Marriage Equality: Changing times
- 03/05/13 - Auckland Council's War Against Sex Workers
- 06/05/13 - Family First: Uncharitable Thoughts
- 07/05/13 - Prostitution: A societal or religious issue or simply meeting a demand?
- 09/05/13 - Summary Offences Act 1988 NSW: Attacking Street Sex Workers?
- 16/05/13 - Auckland Council: Ignoring sound advice about street sex work
- 22/05/13 - NIMBYS. Sweden and Street Sex Work
- 30/05/13 - Auckland Council: Numbers Games?
- 06/06/13 - Anatomy of a Moral Panic
- 13/06/13 - The Anti-Soliciting Bill: What Needs to Be Done
- 18/06/13 - Manukau Sex Work Bill: Sent to Coventry?
- 28/06/13 - Manukau, Moralism and Media: No Consensus
- 05/07/13 - Hijacking Manukau?
- 10/07/13 - The Transgender Prisoners Debate
- 17/07/13 - Local Authoritarians?
- 24/07/13 - Euthanasia Law Reform: Too Soon?
- 01/08/13 - The Invisible Man?
- 09/08/13 - Poverty and the "New Immorality?"
- 14/08/13 - Conning Auckland
- 21/08/13 - Pro-Futility Movement?
- 23/08/13 - Opinion: Game of Thrones Aotearoa?
- 26/08/13 - Comment: No Ordinary Thing?
- 01/09/13 - Towards LGBT Antibullying Laws in NZ
- 02/09/13 - Sex Work: Return of the Prohibitionists?
- 11/09/13 - A gay PM: Style, substance and LGBTI politics
- 15/09/13 - Comment: King thereafter?
- 18/09/13 - Chartering homophobia
- 25/09/13 - Comment: Sex Work, Moral Panic and the Manukau Bill
- 02/10/13 - Comment: The politics and ethics of solidarity
- 08/10/13 - Comment: One Step Forward...
- 17/10/13 - Comment: Causes Yet to Come?
- 23/10/13 - Tony Abbott: The Irrelevance of Australia?
- 01/11/13 - Let X=Colin Craig?
- 07/11/13 - Spotlight: Christine Rankin
- 14/11/13 - Euthanasia: Whose Choice?
- 21/11/13 - Cyberbullying: LGBT Concerns
- 28/11/13 - Stealth: Time to Pretend?
- 05/12/13 - The Conspiracy Party?
- 13/12/13 - The Eccentric Orbit of Colin Craig
- 19/12/13 - The Centre Right versus the Christian Right?
- 29/12/13 - Craig Young's 2013 round-up
- 11/01/14 - P&R: Floating Down the Nile?
- 17/01/14 - Conservatives: Detour Ahead?
- 25/01/14 - Issue-based parties and LGBT politics
- 31/01/14 - UKIP: Colin's Cousins???
- 09/02/14 - He's a Tea Pot?
- 13/02/14 - More aimless "Bobbing"
- 20/02/14 - Transgender rights: A call to solidarity
- 28/02/14 - The Defamation Game
- 06/03/14 - Clip-On Fiscal Conservatism and the Conservatives
- 12/03/14 - Guest Editorial: Election 2014
- 21/03/14 - Obituary: Fred Phelps Sr (1930-2014)
- 22/03/14 - Backgrounder: Russia and the Ukraine
- 28/03/14 - Uganda: The Context of the Anti-Homosexuality Act
- 03/04/14 - Bad Luck, Nigeria...
- 10/04/14 - Comment: Pop!(ulism) and the Conservatives
- 11/04/14 - Kevin Hague, on standing up to Colin Craig
- 15/04/14 - Labour/Green: The Case for a "clean" coalition
- 20/04/14 - Gender Identity, Louisa's SOP and the Christian Right
- 29/04/14 - India: Section 377 and the Indian Elections
- 01/05/14 - Backgrounder: SOP 432- Submissions
- 08/05/14 - Comment - Brunei: Abode of Pain
- 12/05/14 - The Injury of Transphobic Discrimination (Part 1)
- 20/05/14 - The Injury of Transphobic Discrimination (Part 2)
- 28/05/14 - The Injury of Transphobic Discrimination (Part 3)
- 03/06/14 - The Injury of Transphobic Discrimination (Part Four)
- 11/06/14 - Conservative Religious Separatism: Lessons from Victoria
- 12/06/14 - The shine and misery of LGBT boycotts
- 18/06/14 - Comment: The Yellow Hole?
- 27/06/14 - P&R: Bobbing Off in Another Direction?
- 02/07/14 - Comment: Material Boys (and Girls)
- 09/07/14 - Comment: In Whose House?
- 16/07/14 - Comment: Education policy and lgbt concerns
- 23/07/14 - Two-Way/Wrong Way?
- 28/07/14 - Comment: The Flat Blue Line?
- 06/08/14 - Comment: Turning Point?
- 20/08/14 - John Key, Hackergate and the National Party list
- 28/08/14 - Comment: Sledgehammer(ed)?
- 30/08/14 - Comment: The Fall of Judith Collins
- 03/09/14 - Unmasking the Conservative Party?
- 10/09/14 - Steve Taylor and the Name Suppression Debate
- 13/09/14 - Comment: (Not Sweet At All) Charity
- 14/09/14 - Obituary: Ian Paisley (1926-2014)
- 18/09/14 - Comment: Fear of a green planet?
- 19/09/14 - Blighted oranges: More lessons from Australia
- 21/09/14 - Election 2014: Dark clouds and silver linings
- 25/09/14 - Not Our Enemies?
- 29/09/14 - Labour's new "Game of Thrones"
- 03/10/14 - Ebola: No time for 'compassion fatigue'
- 09/10/14 - Comment: 1997 and all that
- 16/10/14 - Past and Prejudice? The Postgay Agenda
- 23/10/14 - Marriage Equality: USA!! USA!! USA...???
- 06/11/14 - Glasses Half Empty? The Christian Right and the 2014 Election
- 06/11/14 - Terrorism, Scepticism and Current Events
- 07/11/14 - United States: It Ain't Necessarily So
- 18/11/14 - P&R: Send Them Victorious?
- 27/11/14 - P&R: Historic Offences: Yes, But...
- 05/12/14 - Update: Manukau, moralism and sex work
- 05/12/14 - It's over! Select Committee recommends against Manukau Bill
- 11/12/14 - Deconstructing West City Bible Baptist Church
- 19/12/14 - Firstblight: "Coming out" wrong
- 30/12/14 - Craig Young's top 10 politics and religion stories of 2014
- 09/01/15 - Reconfiguration?
- 15/01/15 - Blasphemy, Censorship and LGBT Rights
- 23/01/15 - France's Other Nightmare: The French National Front
- 31/01/15 - Conspiratoria Nullia?
- 05/02/15 - The Deluge Arrives
- 12/02/15 - The Vanished "Ruins" of "Sodom"
- 22/02/15 - Natural Law: Homophobia's Iron Curtain
- 26/02/15 - The Curtain Falls: Final Defeat of the Manukau Anti-Sexworker Bill
- 08/03/15 - Pyrrhic Victory?
- 12/03/15 - ISIS, LGBT Equality and Solidarity
- 19/03/15 - O Canada: Paradox Versus Progress?
- 26/03/15 - That Old Raddled Cross?
- 02/04/15 - UK: Heisenberg's Election?
- 08/04/15 - Ballot Boxing
- 17/04/15 - A Rainbow of Manifestos!
- 22/04/15 - British Elections 2015: An LGBT Perspective
- 30/04/15 - UKIP: News from the Far Right
- 04/05/15 - Stark Dichotomy: The SNP and Northern Ireland LGBT manifestos
- 09/05/15 - Comment: Uncertain Trajectories?
- 14/05/15 - Comment: Don't Stop Hillary
- 20/05/15 - In-Trans-Sigent: The Key administration and Transgender Rights
- 30/05/15 - P&R: Close and Fade?
- 05/06/15 - Comment: Whitewashing service discrimination
- 12/06/15 - Comment: Charity Case?
- 19/06/15 - Comment: Conservative Party Feels the Heat
- 20/06/15 - Comment: Colin Craig versus the Conservatives?
- 24/06/15 - Comment: You have to be encapsulated
- 27/06/15 - Comment: VMEUSA Day
- 28/06/15 - Colingate: Scandal's End?
- 30/06/15 - Comment: Suffer Not the Children
- 09/07/15 - Comment: Understanding the transphobic movement
- 18/07/15 - Comment: It's All About "Integrity"
- 23/07/15 - X is for ... Non-Existent?
- 30/07/15 - Comment: Trump card or joker's wild?
- 02/08/15 - TPPA: A bad deal for people with HIV?
- 06/08/15 - Comment: Focus on Transphobia
- 15/08/15 - P&R: Tipping Point?
- 21/08/15 - Scotland and the (Dis) United Kingdom
- 30/08/15 - Ontario's sex education wars
- 03/09/15 - Chinese Autumn?
- 10/09/15 - Comment: Only 1500?
- 15/09/15 - Comment: Breaking the Abbott
- 25/09/15 - Comment: The End of Canada's Conservatives?
- 01/10/15 - Comment: The Turnbull question
- 05/10/15 - P&R: Serco and transgender prisoner safety
- 08/10/15 - Comment: Those in Peril on the Land?
- 28/10/15 - Envy and the Global Christian Right
- 04/11/15 - Sexual Freedom: What If...?
- 05/11/15 - World Congress for Cunning Plans?
- 18/11/15 - No New Pariahs
- 22/11/15 - There's No Heaven
- 25/11/15 - Constitutional Reform: When and How?
- 27/11/15 - Confession: A Degradation Ceremony?
- 30/11/15 - The Other Side of Terror
- 05/12/15 - Climate Change: The LGBT Stake
- 07/12/15 - Fear of a Gay President?
- 11/12/15 - Brownskirt
- 12/12/15 - Historic Offences: The Case for Erasure
- 15/12/15 - Regulating Morality?
- 22/12/15 - Marco Rubio: Last Man Standing?
- 23/12/15 - Cruz control?
- 29/12/15 - Civil Unions and Adoption Reform?
- 30/12/15 - The Price of Purity?
- 05/01/16 - Not/Trans America?
- 05/01/16 - Comment: What does Malta's ban on Intersex Genital Mutliation really mean?
- 14/01/16 - Slovenia and Marriage Equality
- 15/01/16 - All A-Cluster?
- 26/01/16 - India and Section 377: The Struggle Continues
- 28/01/16 - Stuck in the Middle? Germany and Marriage Equality
- 31/01/16 - When in Rome...? (or Athens)
- 03/02/16 - The US Christian Right's New Tactics
- 05/02/16 - Inertial Conservatism (Recalibrated)
- 11/02/16 - Colombia and Marriage Equality
- 11/02/16 - Pride and Politics
- 12/02/16 - Pride — let's all be very nice, shall we?
- 15/02/16 - Portugese Step Up
- 17/02/16 - Monologues of the Echo Chamber
- 25/02/16 - Brexit: Is There An LGBT Perspective?
- 29/02/16 - The Pro-Bullying Lobby
- 05/03/16 - Indonesia: Temperature Falling...
- 07/03/16 - South Africa, Zuma and Homophobic Rape
- 11/03/16 - Singapore's Antigay Section 377A
- 12/03/16 - (Not) Walking Away?
- 14/03/16 - (Still) Not Walking Away?
- 16/03/16 - Canada: The Klippert Legacy
- 17/03/16 - Marriage Equality: Potty Plebiscites
- 22/03/16 - The Awkward Brigade?
- 24/03/16 - The Irrelevance of Baptist Belligerence
- 01/04/16 - Our Communities: The Surrogacy Dilemma
- 05/04/16 - The Undeclared Baggage of Homophobia
- 06/04/16 - Trans Work Discrimination: Crunch Point?
- 07/04/16 - What Went Wrong in Australia?
- 11/04/16 - Chile Bans Intersex Surgery
- 11/04/16 - American (Wrong) Way
- 14/04/16 - The Deregistration Game (Round II)?
- 18/04/16 - Takanini Trouble?
- 20/04/16 - History Never Repeats
- 22/04/16 - Dakota Hemmingson's day in court
- 26/04/16 - Reassignment Surgery in New Zealand: A National Scandal
- 02/05/16 - Access to Reassignment Surgery: One Woman's Experience
- 06/05/16 - Turnbull: Electoral Roulette?
- 10/05/16 - Just A Puppet On A String
- 12/05/16 - Congress of Falsehoods
- 16/05/16 - Germany: Historic Offences v Asylum Policy
- 18/05/16 - Nature Abhors an Evidential Vacuum?
- 23/05/16 - Transphobia, Toilets and ...Nuclear War?!
- 27/05/16 - Unreal "Women" of Transphobia
- 31/05/16 - Trumpwreck?
- 04/06/16 - Queen Victoria Was "Wrong"
- 07/06/16 - May the Best Woman Win...
- 15/06/16 - Explaining Orlando
- 19/06/16 - Guns, Gays and Orlando
- 21/06/16 - Fatigue Warning?
- 23/06/16 - LGBT Britons and Brexit
- 24/06/16 - Trans-Versing the Gap(s)
- 24/06/16 - Brexit: Dregs of Victory?
- 29/06/16 - This Dreamworld Has Got To End
- 04/07/16 - MMP versus STV?
- 08/07/16 - Please Explain, Australia
- 11/07/16 - Moral Unpanic
- 12/07/16 - Breaking Britain?
- 18/07/16 - Beware Falling Elephants?
- 21/07/16 - Blood on the crescent
- 22/07/16 - Referendrone
- 23/07/16 - Brazil: Glamour and Gunfire
- 25/07/16 - Less Than This
- 26/07/16 - Meanwhile, in the Real World...
- 28/07/16 - Romania and Marriage Equality
- 01/08/16 - Death By A Hundred Cuts
- 02/08/16 - Pellgate?
- 05/08/16 - Tanzania: New Barriers to HIV Prevention:
- 10/08/16 - FF Targets Comprehensive Antibullying Efforts
- 15/08/16 - Unlucky Number's Three
- 16/08/16 - Ps Pride Assault
- 18/08/16 - Indonesia: Getting Darker...
- 23/08/16 - Marriage Equality: Australia's Slow Motion War
- 24/08/16 - Local Bodiless?
- 26/08/16 - Cambodia: Tolerance and Slow Reform
- 02/09/16 - Sinking the New Atlantis
- 05/09/16 - The Wheels on the Bus
- 09/09/16 - Bullying: Recent UK Developments
- 12/09/16 - Marriage Equality: Going Round in Circles?
- 15/09/16 - Trump and the "Alt Right"
- 16/09/16 - Political Scandal: A Tale of Two Politicians
- 23/09/16 - P&R: Dead End?
- 02/10/16 - Colin Craig: The Anti-Wilde?
- 05/10/16 - Marriage Equality: Agents of YIELD
- 06/10/16 - Stressed Fabric: Other Opponents of LGBTi Progress
- 11/10/16 - Averting the Trumpocalypse?
- 11/10/16 - Plebiscite Lost?
- 12/10/16 - Blunder on the Right?
- 14/10/16 - The Last (of) Trump?
- 20/10/16 - After Mugabe?
- 20/10/16 - Canadian Transgender Rights Bill Advances
- 23/10/16 - The Ghost of Ferdinand Marcos
- 25/10/16 - Tantrums in America
- 27/10/16 - Moaning in America
- 29/10/16 - Christians Against Trump?!
- 31/10/16 - Leftists Against Clinton
- 03/11/16 - Headed for the Precipice
- 05/11/16 - Conservatives Against Trump
- 07/11/16 - Vice?
- 10/11/16 - Weimar Time in America?
- 11/11/16 - Celsius 179?
- 14/11/16 - Life Goes On...
- 16/11/16 - The Shame of San Francisco: Proposition Q
- 18/11/16 - Brexit: The Sequel?
- 21/11/16 - A Losing Proposition
- 21/11/16 - Brian's Pathetic Fallacy
- 25/11/16 - Not Quite "Post-Truth"
- 28/11/16 - Party of the Living Dead
- 04/12/16 - Obituary: Fidel Castro: 1926-2016
- 05/12/16 - Off Key
- 07/12/16 - Anti-Transgender Activism in Canada
- 10/12/16 - Comment: Danger Ahead?
- 13/12/16 - Retriangulating?
- 15/12/16 - Minority Stress and... Mark Regnerus
- 16/12/16 - No Pride in Prisons: Life at the Cutting Edge
- 05/01/17 - Persecution Complex?
- 10/01/17 - The (General Election) Year Ahead
- 13/01/17 - Is Canada delaying the inevitable?
- 15/01/17 - Death by Incremental Faction Fights?
- 03/02/17 - Transgender Prisoners: The United Kingdom Acts
- 03/02/17 - Ominous signs in France
- 04/02/17 - Chad Goes Backward
- 12/02/17 - Quacking Noises: Family First and Transgender Suicide
- 13/02/17 - Election 2017: What Should Our Priorities Be?
- 21/02/17 - Ask the US Christian Right First?!
- 23/02/17 - Virtuous Circle?
- 10/03/17 - Adrift on the Ship of Fools
- 20/03/17 - Grey Rights?
- 22/03/17 - What "Other" Issues Concern Us?
- 27/03/17 - Canada and Transgender Equality
- 02/04/17 - An East Asian First?
- 04/04/17 - The Chechnya LGBTI Crisis
- 13/04/17 - Breaking Bad in France?
- 18/04/17 - Russophilia: Why the Far Right Are Putin's Friends
- 24/04/17 - The Way They Were: Global LGBTI Rights
- 27/04/17 - The German Spring
- 01/05/17 - Britain Goes to the Polls
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