Fri 18 Feb 2011 In: International News View at Wayback View at NDHA
David Kato Murdered gay rights activist David Kato was "mocked" as he delivered a speech at a UN-backed meeting to debate an Archaic anti-homosexuality bill. The Guardian reports a cable it's attained though Wikileaks quotes a US diplomat as saying Kato delivered a well-written speech against the bill, but his words were almost inaudible due to "his evident nervousness". Throughout his talk a member of the Ugandan Human Rights Commission "openly joked and snickered" with supporters of the bill, the diplomat claimed in the cable. Kato was bludgeoned to death near his home in Kampala, last month. A man has been charged with murder, in a killing police claim was the result of a personal disagreement. Kato was a key opponent o f the bill which would impose the death penalty for "aggravated homosexuality" and life imprisonment for consenting adults who have gay sex. The Guardian reports that in the cable, dated 24 December 2009, the diplomat claimed Ugandan politicians, including the author of the anti-homosexuality bill, David Bahati, had channelled anger at the country's socio-political failings into "violent hatred" of gay people. Other confidential memos sent chart Uganda's "chilling" descent from tolerance to violent homophobia and a deepening fear among gay activists, who claim they are being increasingly monitored and harassed. Under the heading Comment: Homophobic Demagogues, the diplomat reports in the Christmas Eve cable that Bahati, a born-again Christian MP from the ruling party, had become "further isolated" following "recent condemnations" by high-profile Pastor Rick Warren and other US-based individuals who are against the bill. However, it was clear he would not yield to international pressure. Referring to Bahati, the diplomat said: "His homophobia … is blinding and incurable." The diplomat refers also to James Nsaba Buturo, Uganda's minister for ethics and integrity, a strong supporter of the bill, and Pastor Martin Ssempa, who organises anti-gay rallies in Uganda, as key players ushering in a new era of intolerance. "Bahati, Buturo, and particularly Ssempa's ability to channel popular anger over Uganda's socio-political failings into violent hatred of a previously unpopular but tolerated minority is chilling," the diplomat said.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Friday, 18th February 2011 - 10:41am