A draft resource for health professionals working with transgender people will soon be released. Counties Manukau District Health Board is putting the finishing touches on the document, which will be circulated by the Human Rights Commission when it is complete. The HRC says feedback will then be sought from trans people, to make the resource as useful as possible for health professionals and the trans people they support. A video-conference has been set up on Monday 14 February to get community feedback on the draft. This will be held in the Human Rights Commission's Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch offices from 3-5pm on Monday 14 February. The Commission can also phone in people from Dunedin and up to three more places. RSVP to jackb@hrc.co.nz by Friday 11 February if you are coming or want to be phoned in. Psychologist Daniel Eakins and counsellor Mani Mitchell are also organising a Wellington meeting in February for health professionals to discuss it. Health professionals wanting to attend the Wellington meeting can contact Mani Mitchell on mani.mitchell@xtra.co.nz.
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Saturday, 5th February 2011 - 4:03pm