Free WiFi? Sure. But you can't browse while you chomp on your burger. We would like to take you up on your invitation to seek a review of your WiFi censorship policy, with particular reference to, but for all websites containing sexuality-based information and content, much of which is extremely valuable, even life saving, for young people. Like many websites has a variety of environments, from professionally written and collated information to free and frank discussion groups and also personal dating services. After so many years of the internet being an integral part of most people's daily lives an organisation such as McDonald's must by now be able to find a more sophisticated way of judging the suitability of actual content for your restaurants rather than just blocking out wholesale an entire site which provides much valuable and family-friendly lifestyle information and service. Many erstwhile family-friendly sites such as auction sites, etc. which are not 'gay' sites per se provide discussion areas where the user-generated content is much more explicit (and not just sexually) than People accessing their Hotmail accounts and other services are constantly being bombarded with pop ups, adverts and emails offering highly sexually charged information, links, services and goods. And there seems to be no consistency in your policy. We cannot understand why, for example, a NZ AIDS Foundation site is not blocked (and believe that as an important health resource, it should not be blocked) when Family Planning, Rainbow Youth,, Agender and others are blocked. It begins to look as though your policy is: "any site that is open and honest about dealing with sexuality matters and lifestyles is actually about sex and is therefore undesirable." However, there is a difference between sexuality and sex.. Perhaps your censors do not understand this? If you are going to provide this service in your outlets, including limiting its content which you are surely within your rights to do, then you should surely do it properly and openly. At the very least you should provide a clear and useful statement in your branches about the type of content which is not deemed appropriate for your service and why. We ask for fairness, even-handedness and a more sophisticated and net-savvy approach rather than the heavy handed and blunt instrument you seem to be employing. And above all we ask for consistency. [Editor's note: As of Thursday Jan 14th has taken up McDonalds offer to meet to discuss access for through its WiFi service. We will keep our users updated as an when possible about the outcome of this discussion.] - 10th January 2011