File photo A resident who made a complaint about a Rocky Horror Show billboard in central Auckland may want to check whether they are stuck in a time warp after their objection was thrown out by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA). Complainant L. Aseeva was unhappy a sign promoting musical The Rocky Horror Show was placed on the side of the Jade Travel building, telling the ASA "it was inappropriate to display a billboard depicting a transvestite in an area where many people lived, including small children". The Authority has kicked the complaint to the curb like a piece of riff raff, saying it has no grounds to proceed. The Chairman said the portrayal of a transvestite was not grounds for complaint in itself and the Dr Frank-N-Furter's dress was provocative in line with the show's main character, but not explicit. "As such, she found that the advertisement did not contain anything which in light of the prevailing community standards was likely to cause serious or widespread offence and ruled that there was no apparent breach of the Advertising Codes. "
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Monday, 6th December 2010 - 7:26pm