Wed 17 Nov 2010 In: International News View at Wayback View at NDHA
The Australian Labor Party has agreed to amend and support a Greens motion pushing for same-sex marriage. Greens MP Adam Bandt has introduced a motion into Parliament that calls on MPs to acknowledge increased public support for gay marriage and for MPs to consult their constituents on the issue. The Labor caucus agreed yesterday that it would support Bandt's motion after amending it to remove the reference to acknowledging increased community support, but keeping the section about consulting constituents. There is a looming battle between left and right factions in Labor, with the left supporting same-sex marriage and the right standing staunchly against it. Sources in the left faction have told the Sydney Morning Herald gaining support for the amended motion was an incremental but important step towards changing party policy on the issue from one of opposition to at least that of a conscience vote. ''We're keeping it alive,'' one operator said. The party will debate the policy change at its next national conference.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Wednesday, 17th November 2010 - 2:36pm