Fri 29 Oct 2010 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback View at NDHA
Len Brown Incoming Auckland Mayor Len Brown says his door is always open to members of the gay community and is supportive of measures to ensure LGBT voices are heard by the new council. He has told he supports the continuation of the LGBT Networking Group, which was set up by the Auckland City Council to ensure it was kept informed of the needs and concerns of LGBT residents and ratepayers. Brown supports it continuing. "And my door is open," he says. "If representatives of the gay community and senior leadership want to meet and greet, talk, discuss, have a concern, my door is open." The new Auckland leader is particularly interested in working with young people and says plans are in place to set up a youth council. He says suspects there may be the possibility of gay youth representation. "So there is an avenue and opening there for young people to get significant say in Auckland Council." Brown has made it very clear he is open-minded and respectful of diversity and wants to represent everyone in Auckland, whether straight, gay or somewhere in between. "I'm a staunch Catholic," he says. "But I am from the liberal side. And I am very aware and sensitive to people making their own choices about their life. And I'm totally respectful of that. "You can make your own choice totally. I've got nothing more to say. It's the 21st Century." The incoming leader is promising to be at the Big Gay Out next year and may even take to the stage to perform a Barry Manilow or Elton John number. Brown will be sworn in at a ceremony at the Auckland Town Hall on Monday.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Friday, 29th October 2010 - 8:40am