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Takatāpui Awards tickets sell out

Wed 27 Oct 2010 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback View at NDHA

Tickets to this weekend's National Takatāpui Awards have sold out, but there are still a few places for people who want to attend the full Hui Takatāpui. The single biggest gathering of GLBT Maori will be held at Pipitea Marae, Wellington, on 29‐31 October 2010. Supported by the New Zealand AIDS Foundation, Hui Takatāpui 2010 will focus on health and wellbeing and aims to increase support for HIV prevention as well as providing leadership and advice on issues for takatāpui. It will also provide opportunities for Māori to network, have fun, play sport and be entertained in a safe and supportive social environment. Hui tickets are $55, which includes bus transportation from Auckland or Christchurch, two nights' marae accommodation, kai and all activities and workshops. Low‐cost and free transport to the capital is being organised so that almost anyone who wants to attend can descend into Wellington for the occasion. The Auckland bus will be leaving Family Bar in Auckland at 5am on Friday morning and will be stopping in Hamilton, Taupo and a few other places along the way. Pōwhiri for Hui Takatāpui will start at 5pm at Pipitea Marae. Incorporated into Hui Takatāpui are the National Takatāpui Awards, a black tie event at Te Papa to recognise outstanding achievement in the takatāpui community. Rachael Le Mesurier, NZAF Executive Director, says: “We're really excited about the Hui and Awards and know that they've generated a lot of buzz. These events are a unique experience and we're delighted that so many takatāpui have got behind and supported what promises to be a fantastic weekend.” A full programme for the Hui and Awards is available here    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Wednesday, 27th October 2010 - 4:53pm

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