Mon 25 Oct 2010 In: International News View at Wayback View at NDHA
A New Hampshire newspaper is refusing to print gay wedding announcements, despite the fact same-sex marriage is legal in the US state. The Union Leader turned down the marriage notice of two men in Portsmouth this past weekend. The publication is New Hampshire's largest newspaper. Publisher Joseph McQuaid says The Union Leader is not “anti-gay”, but takes the stance that marriage should only be between a man and a woman. "While the law sanctions gay marriage, it neither demands that churches perform them or that our First Amendment right to choose what we print be suspended," he said. One member of the denied couple, Greg Gould, says the newspaper is out of touch for not printing his wedding notice. "It's just news," the 42-year-old said. "If they didn't want to report on all the things they didn't like, then they wouldn't report on murder, and war and government."
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Monday, 25th October 2010 - 1:20pm