Mon 4 Oct 2010 In: Hall of Fame View at Wayback View at NDHA
The face of trans-Tasman trans icon Carmen Rupe is splashed across Sydney's streets, as the city celebrates its diversity through art. Carmen is featured in both The Banner Gallery and Sydney Life exhibition as part of the City of Sydney's ninth annual public art festival Art down Elizabeth St in her shining red mobility scooter (which she has thanks to a kind group of her Kiwi friends who all chipped in) features in the photo exhibition Sydney Life. The picture by photographer Jenny Templin is among 22 photos in the outdoor exhibition, which is being displayed along the central walkway of Hyde Park North till 24 October. "This is Sydney seen through the eyes of some of our most talented photographers who've captured original and striking moments which reflect insightful observations of Sydney Life," says Clover Moore. "Using our city as their canvas and the iconic Hyde Park as gallery space, this much loved competition celebrates our uniquely Sydney lifestyle and culture in Australia's oldest park." The 22 finalists in the Sydney Life exhibition were chosen from over 500 entries, with a black and white of people trying to cool down at Bondi during an epically hot day winning the overall $10,000 prize: Image courtesy City of Sydney Jacqui Stanford - 4th October 2010