Here's a quick guide to the GLBT candidates standing for councils and local boards in the current elections. Auckland Christopher Dempsey City Vision Standing for Waitemata Local Board I'm a Parnell resident of 13 years, fifth generation Aucklander, currently studying and working at the University of Auckland and Community Board Chair.I am interested in the ongoing creative and dynamic development of Auckland and all residents. The Waitemata ward is an exciting part of Auckland region, a cultural, creative, intellectual and commercial heart, located within superb natural environments. I will continue six years of Community Board work ensuring that residents have access to opportunities to participate in and contribute to the life of their community. I will support others in their efforts to create a unique quality of life where everyone has access to our beautiful coastline, our maunga, and stimulating public art and intellectual life, such as theatre and dance. The life of our ward is a shared one. Together we create communities that work for all. I would be honoured to work with you. Bruce Kilmister MNZM, JP. City Vision Standing for Waitemata Local Board It has been a great privilege to have been elected for the last 9 years to the Western Bays Community Board and for the last three years to have been Chairman. I am so looking forward to the SuperCity in which the Auckland Council will finally be able to speak as one voice for Auckland. The role of the Local Board will be an integral part of this process to ensure not only are local decisions made locally but that the local voice is heard at the Auckland Council table. This will require the skills and experience I believe I have developed over all my years working within Council and our community. I have been a Board member of the Ponsonby Business Association for 9 years and been part of the community group funding scheme COGS Auckland Committee for 12 years. I will be a strong Community Advocate. Claudette Hauiti Citizens and Ratepayers Standing for Albert-Eden Local Board - Owairaka Subdivision Come November 1 we will have a new Auckland and that new Auckland will be built on tradition, values and connected communities. My family- we haveinvested over 50 years ofour life to this area. My parents bought our family home at 5 Galbraith Street Mt Roskill/Wesley in 1960 and it's still ours it's where my brother now lives. Not far away my own family live at 10 Columbia Road in Sandringham. My parents came to Auckland just after the Second World War from rural Northland and rural East Coast for a better life for themselves and for us their children. They instilled in us good, honest, traditional values to work hard to know and respect your neighbours and they showed us the value of being a part of a community. My Mother was proud of her job as a machinist at Klipper Ties on Stoddard Road while my Father had a prestigious job as an Auckland Clerk of Works. I am a legacy of their hard work I own two Companies and am a Multi-Award winning television programme maker. My brother and two sisters are academics and business people in their own right. The Owairakacommunity will contribute vibrant business hubs and promote public private partnerships to the new Auckland but we will not tolerate bureaucratic, PC interference and meddling. Albert-Eden is hosting the 2011 Rugby World Cup. We have an opportunity to show the World that we are champions a proud Nation a conquering All Blacks Rugby Team, a first class Auckland City and most importantly a unified, diversely rich strong vibrant Albert-Eden-Roskill. This is the time for us to put on our best face we will get our burms trimmed. To put our best foot forward, we will get our footpaths repaired. And to give the world a great Kiwi experience at our shops, our cafes, at our place. Simon Randall Maungakiekie Team Standing for Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board - Maungakiekie Subdivision I am an incumbent community board member standing for the Maungakiekie subdivision of the Maungakiekie Tamaki Local Board. Born, raised and currently resident in Onehunga. Trained secondary school teacher, and currently finishing Masters in Biosecurity. I have been proud to serve as a member of a Community Board that has stood up for this area. If re-elected I will work hard to ensure our community retains its independent voice and identity in the super city. I will also continue to fight for rail to the airport and for real solutions to the traffic congestion in the area. As a younger person I am particularly aware of the importance of making the community more inclusive and engaging and for young people and young families. Raphael Therkleson Independent Standing for Waitemata Local Board I have received feedback from residents and business owners in our area, all of whom are concerned their local community identity will be lost in the Auckland Super City. Having lived in this area for thirty years, I share their concerns and am also worried we will lose our local voice. If elected, I will: a. Maintain community identity and voice b. Encourage informed and objective decision-making c. Ensure that residents have a voice that is heard by Council in decisions that affect direct and indirect costs to them. d. Bring new blood to the Local Board and provide leadership e. Provide community, town planning and social planning input into the Auckland Super City Long Term Community Plan MY BACKGROUND • Qualified Town Planner, Social Planner, B A degree major in urban sociology and Lawyer • Experience in Local Government, Town Planning, Environmental, and Property Laws • Local Council Town Planning, overseas Town Planning, Social Planning experience, Council Property Lawyer, have also been in business and been Company Director • Previous experience with local body amalgamations. • Business experience as a Company Director. Ewen Sutherland Independent Standing for Waiheke Local Board Waiheke has been my home for 14 years, working as a horticulture tutor, in hospitality, retail and the viticulture industry. My vision for the Island is for a sustainably developing community that maintains Waiheke's unique character and natural environment. As a horticulturist I have a strong affinity for the environment and biodiversity of the Island and will work hard to keep it preserved and maintained. I love Waiheke's diverse social culture and cosmopolitan feel. I will work for equity, inclusiveness and acceptance of diversity. I will strive for the development of enabling infrastructure such as broadband, that helps people to live and work on the Island and a transport policy that promotes roads oriented towards the needs of pedestrians and cyclists and an efficient public transport service. Wellington Seann Paurini Independent Standing for Southern Ward I am standing as a candidate for the Southern Ward. I want to help lift the health and welfare needs of seniors, disabled folks and low-income families. Policies Public ownership of public services Wellington is a beautiful city with a lovely spirit. I have a BA (Hons) MA in education. I have worked as an academic, a full-time caregiver to my parents and as an advocate for people with health and welfare problems. I stand as an independent. I will work smartly, consistently and creatively. I'll welcome diverse public input into getting things done; I'll value your advice and ideas and appreciate your support. Christchurch Paul Findlay Labour for Christchurch 2021 - The People's Choice Standing for Hagley-Ferrymead Community Board I am proud to stand up for the community I grew up in, attended school in and have been so active and passionate about. That passion has lead me to me ashamed of our current civic offices and I want to use the skills of teamwork and leadership I have gained over the years from being involved in our community. I have served as a trustee, committee member and a volunteer for many local events and organisations including the Youth Initiatives Trust, Linwood Youth Festival Experience (LFYE), Diverse Youth Cafe and the Linwood Recourse Centre. Now with funding cuts across the city to so many community groups I want to be part of a team that stands up to fight for them. To have an open, accountable and transparent system where all of the community is included and their voices matter. Sam Johnson Independent Citizens Standing for Riccarton-Wigram Community Board I'm standing for the Riccarton/ Wigram Community Board this year, and have been going out with my partner, Dave, for nearly a year now. I'm standing to link younger and older residents together in the community, and bring a fresh perspective to the board. High school and university students whose lives are greatly impacted by community board decisions- although most don't have little clue what community boards do! I am honored to be endorsed by the Prime Minister John Key for the work done in relation to the volunteer base for the earthquake clean up over the past couple of weeks. I'm proud to be gay and while it is an intergral part of my personal makeup, I've not publicised my sexuality during my election as we live in a country where thankfully its not an issue. I certainly advocate for equality on all grounds, and hope to help grow awareness and be involved with support groups such as Rainbow Youth in the future. It is, however, really important that the gay community are represented at local government and VOTE in the coming elections! If you are a GLBT candidate and would like your profile added to this guide, email - 9th October 2010