Dean Knight A gay Victoria University lecturer has made it into the second to last round of campus popularity contest Academic Idol. In each round of the competition, run by student rag Salient, the lecturers have answered a question, then their fate has been put in the hands of a public vote – and the person who receives the least votes is thrown out. Gay law lecturer Dean Knight has made it into the final three, surviving a series of gruelling questions such as "Who would play you in the movie of your life and why?" He had ten answers, ranging from Neil Patrick Harris to Allison Janney. Aside from the academics, Knight was also the founder of Wellington gay rugby team the Krazy Knights. He is active in the quest for GBLT rights, having appeared on the Court Report and in Salient to discuss the issue. He is also involved in Law School's GBLT society. It's Knight's last semester at Victoria before heading abroad on an extended sabbatical and he has a passionate bunch of supporters trying to send him out in style with the title of Academic Idol. If he wins, he promises to wear his rugby gear to university every day for a week. For more information on Academic Idol go here or click here to check out Knight's Facebook page. Voting in the current round closes on Thursday at 5pm. You can discuss this New Zealand gay community news story in the Forum
Credit: daily News Staff
First published: Wednesday, 29th September 2010 - 12:07pm