Fri 24 Sep 2010 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback View at NDHA
Eddie Long The American evangelical church leader whom Destiny Church's Brian Tamaki has described as his "spiritual father" has been accused of sexually assaulting three young men. An investigation is underway in Atlanta into allegations that Bishop Eddie Long, the focus of one of the USA's largest black mega-churches, used jewellry, cars and money to lure three teenagers into sexual relationships. The 17 and 18-year olds were enrolled in Long's New Birth Missionary Baptist Church ministry for teen boys. It is reported that one or more of the youths may have accompanied Long on a visit to New Zealand. Tamaki, who has long used fear of the 'demon homosexuality' as a tool to whip up his often financially struggling flock into contributing to Destiny's wealth and his own lavish lifestyle, has visibly used Long as a role model. Destiny Church operates in similar ways to Longs operation and Tamaki has often adopted Long's style of speech and dress. He was 'ordained' from Pastor to 'Bishop' by Long in a lavish pay-to-attend ceremony in South Auckland in 2005. In Tamaki's book, Bishop Brian Tamaki - More than meets the eye, he describes Long as his "spiritual father." Amongst many other reverential references to Long in the book Tamaki, who has a number of times commented on his own physical attractiveness, says he was "a little taken aback by [Long's] embracing nature." Tamaki's toxic pronouncements against homosexuality appeared to peak in 2004 when he and his black-shirted followers marched through Wellington Streets on Parliament in the much-derided Enough is Enough march against Civil Unions. Tamaki or his church have yet to comment publicly on Long's situation. You can comment on this New Zealand gay community news story in the Forum
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Friday, 24th September 2010 - 7:27pm