The original Candy Bar crew on launch weekend in April Auckland lesbian venue Candy Bar is to close, due to low attendance since winter began, however a new monthly night is being planned. "We were very excited to have been given the opportunity to bring you Candy bar on a weekly basis, and bringing you everything that Candy bar can be, but we now realise that there are not enough of you girls, and your friends, to keep such a bar going, especially as it seems you all hibernate for winter," says creator Kim Lucas. "But we gave it a good go and want to thank you all for your support so far." A three-day closing party will be held on the first weekend of October. It will feature the best of the Candy's DJs and dancers on the Friday and Saturday, signing out with the Dykes on Mics night on the Sunday. "Come and spend a last weekend at this very lovely venue with the gorgeous Candy Girls keeping you well lubricated with our great selection of cocktails, shots etc – let's see the place off with a bang!" writes Lucas. It's not all over, with a monthly Candy Bar party to be launched at a central Auckland venue soon, "which will have all the best bits of Candy bar but be more suitable for the Auckland Lesbian population," Lucas says.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 23rd September 2010 - 10:49am