Fort Gay - it's a real place Microsoft has been quick to apologise for banning a gamer from Xbox Live because he lives in Fort Gay. The account of Josh Moore from Fort Gay, West Virginia, was suspended. He then received a threat of cancellation without refund after entering Fort Gay in his profile. Microsoft said the place name was in breach of Xbox Live's rules. Moore tried to call the company to explain and told it to Google his postcode and check. The local Mayor David Thompson even got involved, but he told local news TV station WSAZ that Microsoft had told him the fact that Fort Gay existed didn't matter, rather it was the fact that the letters g-a-y appeared and was "inappropriate in any context". Thompson described it as appalling and a slap in the face for his town. Xbox Live director of policy and enforcement Stephen Toulouse said someone thought the user was trying to be offensive with the term, but when it was brought to his attention the suspension was revoked. He said he would try to contact Mr Moore to apologise personally but "staying ahead of slang and policing Xbox is a constant challenge."
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Friday, 10th September 2010 - 12:21pm