Gay rights groups are expressing disgust at a US Defense Department survey which asks members of the military questions such as whether they have shared the showers with someone they believe is gay or lesbian. The 103 question US$4.5 million survey was sent out to 400,000 members of the armed forces – and was immediately leaked to the media. Defense officials say it's critical to help prepare the armed forces for the likely end of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. The survey's questions include "Do you currently serve with a male or female service member you believe to be homosexual?" and "In the unit where you had a leader you believe to be gay or lesbian, about how many other unit members also believed the leader to be gay or lesbian?" Another question reads "If 'Don't ask, Don't tell' is repealed and you are assigned to share a room, berth or field tent with someone you believe to be a gay or lesbian Service member, which are you most likely to do?" There is also the question "If 'Don't ask, Don't tell' is repealed and you are assigned to bathroom facilities with an open bay shower that someone you believe to be a gay or lesbian Service member also used, which are you most likely to do?" Gay-rights groups say the survey is biased, claiming the wording of the questions reinforces prejudices and fans fears.
Credit: Daily New staff
First published: Sunday, 11th July 2010 - 11:52am