From the Rainbow Youth AGM The number of seats on the Rainbow Youth board has been increased to 10, to add specific places for Maori and transgender representatives. The new board is: Toni Reid, Stephen Ross, Clint Woolly, Katija Vlatkovich, John Kingi, Izabel van der Ploeg, Jess Williams, Daniel Chorley, Kestin Stewart and Shaun McKinney. The executive roles on the board will be finalised at its first meeting. Rainbow Youth says it has been a busy, successful and fulfilling year. Chair for 2009-2010 Toni Reid thanked board members for their efforts at the organisation's AGM. She said there has been renewed vigor and energy, evident from an increase in membership and refurbishment of the Rainbow Youth centre on K' Rd. Reid noted the increased awareness and involvement of Rainbow Youth in the community and acknowledged the work of Tamati Coffey and Samantha Hitchcock in helping to raise the public's awareness of the organisation through Dancing with the Stars, culminating in an 'incredible' donation. Reid also acknowledged Coffey and Philip Patston for being invited patrons of Rainbow Youth. John Kingi, the Treasurer for 2009-2010, was not able to attend the AGM, but his report was read out on his behalf. Kingi recognised the generosity of funders and donators who have kept Rainbow Youth ticking over during a stressful financial year. They include the Ministry of Youth Development, the Department of Internal Affairs, the Ministry Of Social Development, United Way, Auckland City Council, the Friedlander Foundation and GABA. The AGM was hosted by Steven Oates and the newly-voted board is thanking him for his passionate recognition of Rainbow Youth's role.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 24th June 2010 - 10:38am