Queen of the Whole Universe organisers are ecstatic at the speedy uptake of tickets for the November show in Auckland, which they say has reduced the financial risk. Tickets were put on sale six months before the seventh edition of the queer beauty pageant - and the stalls all but sold out within five days. Director Jonathan Smith says circle and balcony tickets have therefore been released earlier than anticipated. "I was expecting a rush based on the enquiries I had been receiving months ago, but it was totally unexpected that we would need to look at releasing all seats in the circle and balcony levels." He says pre-sales at this level reduce the financial risk. "We are totally risk adverse with this show, therefore pre-sales put me and the trust at ease." Smith says interestingly the biggest supporters of the show are in the hetero 30-plus market, who will not be targeted till August and September. "Thus with their support we should once again sell out well before opening night," he says. A few cast members, guys and girls of any age, are still required for the show. Smith says no experience is necessary, but cast members need to be available for Wednesday and Sunday night rehearsals during September and October. Queen of the Whole Universe Saturday 6 November, 8pm ASB Theatre, Aotea Centre, THE EDGE. Auckland Tickets: $15 - $69 (service fees may apply) Queen of the Whole Universe Wellington is being held on Saturday 12 March 2011 at the Opera House. Tickets will go on sale in late 2010.
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 3rd June 2010 - 3:15pm