"Thirty five years after the seminal Thames TV movie 'The Naked Civil Servant', John Hurt reprises the role of Quentin Crisp. Now elderly and living in New York, he finds celebrity in an off-Broadway show amid the full flowering of gay liberation and the AIDS crisis. However he moves out of step with the gay community when he unwisely describes AIDS as a fad." "In 'The Naked Civil Servant' Crisp wrote about how his public persona - the witticisms, the aphorisms, the pithy one-liners - gradually erased his private personality. Here in a touching friendship with a young gay artist we see him reclaim it. Another tour-de-force performance from John Hurt - unmissable." An Englishman in New York screens at Out Takes in Auckland at Rialto Cinemas in Newmarket on Thursday 27 May, 7:00pm and Saturday 29 May, 12:40pm. It screens in Wellington at the Paramount on Thursday, 3 June, 7pm and Sunday, 6 June, 2:15pm. Jacqui Stanford - 27th May 2010