Bishop Mary Glasspool With the ordination of an openly lesbian woman as bishop, the Episcopal Church in the USA now has two gay bishops. Rev. Cannon Mary Glasspool was consecrated in a Long Beach, Los Angeles, ceremony in front of 3,000 people. Glasspool joins the openly gay Gene Robinson who caused a furore in the church, known in NZ as the Anglican Church, when he was consecrated in 2003. Mary Glasspool was ordained with another woman bishop, Rev Canon Diane Jardine Bruce. Both were elected last December and become the first two women bishops in the Diocese of Los Angeles's 114-year history. The ordination of gays and women split the Episcopalians with a conservative faction of the church breaking away to form the Anglican Church in North America.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Tuesday, 18th May 2010 - 4:15pm