The Star Show party at Iconic After an action-packed week, the organisers of Christchurch Pride are seeking feedback on this year's event. More than 400 women had the Star Show at Iconic packed solid on Friday night, while bears came out in force for Manzone Party 2 at Honey Pot. Pride organisers say the "young folks" at Q-Topia put in a lot of hard work, including running the Queer Fair on Saturday. It featured Steven Oates, as well as special guests Miss Mole, Fur Purse and Glorious Ole. Saturday night saw a big finale with the Fantasy Ball, which left many people wearing the pyjamas to Sophies Cafe for a recovery half-price brunch on Sunday. Christchurch Pride organisers are spending this week debriefing and spokesman Hamish Milne says any feedback would be welcome. "Obviously wild adoration would be lovely, but constructive criticism and ideas for 2011 are what we're after." He is inviting people to leave comments on the event's Facebook wall., or by sending private messages to Anne Nicholson or Hamish Milne. Milne has thanked everyone involved for an awesome week. "We're exhausted and stoked with good vibes you all brought along."
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Tuesday, 18th May 2010 - 8:57am