Last week's New Zealand premiere of the movie A Single Man raised over $1,500 for the OUTLine national counseling and outreach service which has recently improved its financial position. Colin Firth in A Single Man OUTLine hit the news last year when it ran out of financial steam and was preparing to cut services after not renewing it's manager's contract. The organisation's recession-hit funders, such as community trusts which had been reliable supporters in the past, had turned down nearly all funding requests. A last minute community initiative, OUTLine October, raised over $30,000 to help tide the volunteer-based service over and OUTLine's Richard Galloway says the combination of "huge community support" and the funders coming on line again has seen the financial pressure lessen significantly. Galloway says the A Single Man premiere, held at Auckland's Academy Theatre, attracted a "wonderful" audience. "And everyone was thrilled at the prizes which included goodies from Wayne's Agencies and a magnificent year's worth of movies from the Academy." The final total raised from the ticket sales is still some way off but Galloway says the provisional total is easily in excess of $1,500. OUTLine's Annual General Meeting is scheduled for June 14th at 6.30pm, and members' remits will soon be called for.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Tuesday, 20th April 2010 - 11:30am